Can overs look natural? Anyone have pics? Started by: Felicity

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  • Felicity 32

    Hi Girls!

    I’m booked in for my surgery for the end of May and I am so excited! This is something I’ve wanted for a long time!
    Because of the amount of time and research I’ve done I went into my surgeons consultation with a very clear idea of what I wanted and what I thought he would recommend for me… However he said the exact opposite and now I’m confused!!
    I wanted a very natural look, I used to have bigger boobs but they ended up going down two cup sizes so I wanted to basically gain them back again, so in my reading I wanted to have the teardrop implants that were under the muscle.
    My surgeon has said that round and over the muscle would be a better look for me.
    I know that he knows best and I know I should listen to my surgeon and Im happy to take his advice on the round implants but over the muscle is really unnerving me, especially as I said I wanted a natural look!
    Can over the muscle implants look natural?
    The ones you see when googling them all look very bolt on but I cant tell if that’s just media images and over the top cases!
    I used to be a D cup but shrank down to a B for some reason (No kids!) so have always had it in my head that I didnt have anywhere near enough tissue for overs. My main fear is being able to see or feel the edges of the implant and I’ve seen some scary cases of rippling (dont google!!) but my surgeon says that that is only very rare.
    I know this question has probably been asked loads of times! I swear I know the pros and cons of each off by heart. And even though they say under the muscle implants can look more natural then over does that mean that overs never do?
    Are there any regular girls out there who have non bolt on over the muscle implants?! Or did you go against your surgeons recommendation and go under?

    Sorry for the questions! I cant tell you how helpful this forum and MYA have been to me so far and I’m looking forward to documenting my surgery and results to help others out too!
    Thanks xx

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