Cancelled/rescheduled op Started by: D

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  • D 13

    Hi girls,

    Has anyone had their operation at preston rescheduled recently due to covid rules? Tiers etc

    Im booked in for feb and im really hoping this wont be changed 🙁

    Danni 2

    I’m booked in Jan 4th and nothing cancelled as of yet lovely X

    Bee 42

    I’m booked for March and nothing has been canceled yet. Fingers crossed!! x


    Due for my enlargement 22nd feb, if they do reschedule im presuming we will be contacted? Also does anyone know if the consultation will be going ahead as normal? Due to be seen in Bristol on jan 21st thanks girls

    Wallis 8

    My surgery is booked for the 8th Feb and they have warned me that it will most likely be cancelled due to Covid 🙁

    D 13

    Yeah consultations are going ahead as normal!

    Hi Wallis, do you know why they told you this? Where are you having your operation completed? I seen my nurse on Tuesday and she informed me everything is still working as normal (and that people were having their operations as we spoke) as they are able to due to NHS still completing normal operations..

    Bee 42

    I think we will be contacted ASAP if their consultations and/or surgeries stop however my patient coordinator has said that everything is going ahead as normal at the moment, and it won’t change unless they are told by the government that elective surgeries cannot go ahead. I think they will, as we are in the thick of it right now with COVID. Hopefully, with the vaccine, etc everything will get better from here, so I think our ops will go ahead (fingers crossed!!).x

    Wallis 8

    Hello everyone 🙂

    My operation ended up being cancelled due to Covid as I expected 🙁 Disappointed but I had already mentally prepared for that outcome haha I think it depends which company you are with. I know Harley Medical are supporting the NHS and are not doing surgeries atm but MYA is xx

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