Can’t decide on 275cc or 300cc?! Started by: Charlotte

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  • Charlotte -1

    I’m really undecided what to do on sizing and I was wondering if anyone who’s gone 275cc can share any before and after pics to help me…
    I’m a petite frame…probably a 32A atm and I’m booked for the end of Jan.
    Any pics or advice would be much appreciated:)


    Hi Charlotte
    I went 275cc high profile over the muscle, I don’t think there’s much difference at all in terms of size between those 2 if you look at the actual dimensions, there was about a millimetre more projection and a few mm of increased width between the 2 to be honest so try not to worry too much, there’s an app ‘breast augmentation planner’ which has the dimensions of each implant, I also used the mentor app that allows you to upload your own photo and this can then be used to create a virtual 3D idea of what you will look like with each size and profile
    Hope this helps, haven’t actually taken a post op pic as only got done 48 hrs ago but v happy with size so far x

    Halle 12

    I was 32A, I went 250cc, High Profile, Partially over the Muscle. I’m a Small Frame. Hope it helps.

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Halle 12.
    • This reply was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Halle 12.
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    Halle 12


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    Mel 1

    Little story of my journey. Had surgery April 2024.

    I went 275cc.. apparently the number your surgeon offers in the middle is what they think you will suit the most. I got offered 250,275,300.
    I wanted a natural (non false) look, I do not personally like super round cleavage and aimed for the most natural that would suit my figure.
    I’m 5’5 9.1/2 stone., like to go to the gym and just wanted something that suited me and my shape. To be able to not wear a bra with backless tops and be confident in a non padded bikini was my ultimate goal. I was forever padding out bikinis etc and would NEVER not wear a bra.
    I was a 32A/B before and now a 32D to DD now.
    I went with275cc round textured under the muscle.
    Mr Traynor was my surgeon. Very to the point and what I prefer tbh. I didn’t want a friend I wanted someone to be straight with me, he listened to what I asked for and took my weight height etc. . I have heard some people find some consultants arrogant, impersonal, lack empathy. I work with consultants so I understand their personalities and how you can approach them but it’s his expertise I wanted not his friendship. I know he is known for being straight talking which I’m guessing most of them will be. Just more of a heads up if going for your first consultation lol. He was lovely and I did manage to have a bit it banter with him and I felt he listened yo what I wanted.
    Following the surgery they were quite swollen and high which is expected and then I would say maybe week 2 they started to drop and fluff.
    Because I went under the muscle I was sore and could not pull myself up or pick my son up, this was hard and I did need a little longer off work. I took 2 weeks off. I also had to reduce down at the gym with upper body work for a good 6+ weeks and gradually started to introduce it again.
    Check ups all went well and then had my review with surgeon few months in.
    He said they should last me a lifetime because I went for an appropriate size and didn’t go stupid, I did debate going 300 but I did panic thinking everyone is saying they wish they went bigger but I just reminded myself that I never came in looking for big boobs, I came looking for breasts that suit me and are natural. I’m 100% glad i went with the middle number and love them! They look so natural and suit ME.
    I’m now a year down the line and still loving them!

    Pics attached from before and at 8weeks. I know seeing pictures of others helped me massively make my decision so wanted to give you that to help.

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    Hi! You look amazing! What profile did you go with? X

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