Home › Forums › Breast Procedures › Breast Enlargement › Can’t decide on size help!?
Hi girls, I’m due to get a BA next month and I’m stuck on 375cc and 400 cc overs. I’ll attach a photo. Could you please help!! I’m 5”4 and 9 stone 5. What do you think!?
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Hey! Can’t see any attachments? However, girls usually recommend that you go with the biggest option xx
Hey thank you for replying. Sorry it won’t let me attach for some reason?! My Instagram is ba23022021 if you’d like to see a before. I’m so stuck!
I’ve requested to follow you. I dont think there’s a huge difference between 375 and 400
Hey I’m currently 4 weeks post op with 380cc hp unders and started off with 32a 5,6ft 9stone I’ll post a couple of before and afters hope they help x
Hi Elisha, thank you for attaching your pictures. They look amazing!
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