Cast off – not happy :( Started by: Imo

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  • Imo

    Hi girls and boys

    I didn’t want to complain about MYA because they haven’t done anything wrong in particular but I haven’t heard from my PC since weeks before my operation… and when I text her I got no reply so I called and was told she had left? Then they assigned me to someone else who has had no contact with me at all. I don’t want to complain about it but it is a bit weird how throughout everything I didn’t actually have a PC…

    Secondly I just had my cast off from rhino and Im not very happy! HOPEFULLY it is just swelling but my face just looks so weird with this nose and my side profile is really weird – like my tip looks like a big round blob and theres just no definition anywhere… is this swelling?! Did anyones tip ‘drop” as well because mine seems to high… i actually PREFERRED my old side profile right now! Please help!

    Is there anything I can do to reduce swelling because I’m hoping I just don’t like it right now because of swelling. But I see girls who like their nose when the cast comes off and then it swells and they don’t like it but I didn’t like it from the moment it came off… anyway. Thanks for the help xxxx

    Hannah 1

    Drink pineapple juice apparently it has a natural anti inflammatory 🙂 x


    Pixie its all swelling, my swelling didnt go completely till January this year and my op was in November 2011 obviously it went down before then but now its perfect, itl be hard but just be patent it will get better, my nose was awful before was so bulbous and there was a 2month period where my my new nose looked bigger than the one before was awful but that soon went, give it 4months for it to start going down properly, definitely drink pineapple juice like hannah said and i took like hayfever tablets which helped alot. itl get better xx


    Thank you – made me feel a little better! Hayfever tablets helped? Ok I might go buy some today then.

    I got open septo- and my nose looks more asymmetrical than BEFORE! – do you think this could be because theres loads of swelling on one side??

    I knew thered be swelling but I didnt realise itd make me hate the result eek xx


    oh gosh definitely be more swelling with septo thats alot more work so your swelling will be bad, trust me dont worry its all normal, one time i had bad swelling only on one side of my nose so it looked all wonky, its worth it all in the end, how you feel now is totally normal xxx


    thanks so much its so nice to hear that from someone who has been through it. The thing that scares me the side profile looked really weird when the cast was off too and some people say when the cast comes off thats the nicest it looks for a while. Is that true or can it still look strange when cast immediately comes off?! Its so weird you kinda expect to like it straight away xxx


    when mine come off it was so small and nice then literally 5mins after it swelled up big time i couldnt believe it, i felt my side profile looked bigger than before like my tip was long but that all goes down, some people are really lucky they have like no swelling but thats usually because they only had closed rhino, you think with me and you he had to open it bang away cut away do all that stuff to it plus make it defined so it will be bad, but it does get better 🙂 and try not to wear make up on it for 4months as that helps alot xx


    no make up for 4 months – ouch!

    Yeh thats true Im hoping mine just looks so weird because its so swollen

    but its worrying that even when my cast came off i thought my side profile looks weird. It looks smooshed and round at the same time… so so strange. as if someone has like hit me in the face so its too flat and bulbous. Trying to avoid looking in mirrors but theyre everywhere! SO pineapple juice, hayfever tablets and no make up.



    It will be okay, my swelling after my cast came off was scared me as well! I was having second thoughts and anxiety but trust me and the others it will go down. I as well had septoplasty performed so I was really banged up and swollen. I am still swollen but with the days passing by it is beginning to reduce! I took advice and also drink lots of pineapple juice it helps!!! It will be okay just be patient I know it’s better said than done because I was and at times still am but it is the beginning of a very long recovery 🙂 xoxo


    Thanks girls! I think its because the swellings mainly on one side which is making my nose look so strange from the side especially. And the tip is just this round blob! Fingers crossed it all gets sorted. Has anyone else has swelling mainly on one side? its probs more of a septo thing. Thanks for the advice xxxx

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