CC sizing confusion!? Started by: KatieB011293

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  • KatieB011293 10

    Hi everyone,
    I know surgeons don’t usually go by cup size I’m so confused by the CC sizes of the implants,
    Is the higher the number it doesn’t always necessarily mean the bigger the cup size? Im guessing you could have the same size implant as someone else but could be completely different sizes?
    Sorry if this sounds confusing or stupid! Just trying to understand it better xx


    No you’re right Hun as two people could have the exact same implant put in but be completely different post op cup sizes. It all depends on your size pre op and also your bwd x

    Saff 67

    Hi Katie, you’ve got the right idea. Implants come in different ‘profiles’ (which your surgeon will advise you on). For example, a higher profile implant means it has a smaller diameter to sit across your chest, suiting a narrow body frames, lower profiles mean a bigger diameter across the chest for wider body frames.
    With higher profile implants you can increase more cup sizes with less cc as you don’t need as much for them to project out or “look big”, this is because the diameter is smaller and therefore needs less cc to increase cup sizes. With lower profile implants you’ll need more cc to look bigger. Medium profile implants are called ‘moderate’. Also, if you have lots of breast tissue then you’ll need higher cc to reach a higher cup size than you already have.
    Also don’t forget, implants can be placed under the muscle (‘partials’- meaning most of the muscle covers the implant, ‘submuscular’ and ‘partially submuscular’ – these all mean the same thing but different surgeons use different names) or over the muscle (subglandular) also impacting the size.
    Im so sorry if this doesn’t make sense, I tried my best to explain it!x


    This helped me as it gived your the actual size in CC with width and depth. It is Motiva implants though so they will vary. You could basically have a narrow implant but high depth which could be the same cc as a smaller depth but much wider. Check out the pic attached as gives you all the measurments x x

    KatieB011293 10

    Thanks everyone xx

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