They are literally a disgrace, being their busiest time of year is no excuse for leaving a women in a position where you’re increasing the chance of infection.. If you know what you’re doing I’d change yourself otherwise go to gp who I would say will be happy to change.
I’d actually email my PC and complain. You didn’t spend the money you spent to have such shitty aftercare following a fairly major op.
I had similar where they can’t fit me in until 26th, my dressings will be nearly two weeks old at next appointment and one was oozing at last one. These follow ups should all be booked before the operation even takes place.
The response rate to emails is shocking and they never answer their phones. My surgeon was amazing and so were the nurses on the day. But I’ll be approaching my surgeon directly in future should I wish to replace / increase the size. No way would I recommend Mya to anyone.