Chest pains and surgery Started by: Chloe

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  • Chloe 24

    My mom is really worried about me having surgery because I usually suffer from chest pains and after having ECG’s in the past I have been told I am fine but shes obviously been researching all the horror stories about young girls who have had heart attacks mid surgery and panicking about me having mine! She wants me to have a private full CT scan before my surgery to be safe! I think Im going to book the scan just to be 100% sure but was just wondering if any of you girls did something similar or having chest pains is common for you but you still had the surgery? x

    Sophie 90

    I have a heart murmor, the surgeon and anesthetist required me to have an ecg and an echocardiogram before i could go ahead (luckily i had just had my 5 year check up a few months beforehand so already had these tests done). Its all up to the aneasthetist as to wether he will put you under aneasthetic, i had to wait until 2 weeks before my op before i got a desicion as they had to wait for rota to come out to see what aneasthetist would be working on me x


    Hi Chloe.

    I had open heart surgery about ten years ago and my mum was also worried about the surgery. I had an ECG done with MYA and discussed everything with my surgeon. My mum also came to meet the surgeon which put her mind at rest completely x

    Laura 47

    Hi there’s no way your anaesthetist will put you under if he’s not 100% happy – it doesn’t matter about your consultant doing the op. They will contact your GP and get the information from them. I’ve just had a stress test/ecg and echocardiogram. As soon as I got the all clear I booked in. They won’t do the op if your not fit to go through it. Mums always worry but try to reassure her that just because it’s private treatment it won’t be any less safe x

    Sylvianna 47

    Yeah you could definitely try the tactic of your mum meeting your surgeon – it really helps! didn’t have heart problems but my mum was a major worrier (convinced I would die under anaesthetic or during surgery lol) and she met the surgeon twice and I even let her come with me to the op so she could meet him (again) and the anaesthetist, all put her at ease a LOT! xx

    Chloe 24

    @sophy123 @webstwe5179ij @lolabelle328 @sylvianna Thank you all so much!! This is really helpful!! xxxxx

    Sylvianna 47

    @chloexo no problem hun good luck with it all 🙂 xx

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