Chest/Rib Pain Started by: Mary2017

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    Hi girls,

    I haven’t posted much on here but I love reading everyone’s posts. It’s really helped me along the way 🙂

    I’m 5 weeks PO now (not MYA patient) and I’m reasonably happy so far. I had 325/265 under and they are still quite stuck on looking so hoping that changes soon!

    Anyway the thing I have been experiencing is a bit of pain under my left side like it’s my ribs sticking out a bit and it’s quite achey and painful. I did have assymetry before and one chest wall side stuck more (probs the left side) so I’m wondering if the pain will go or will it be there all the time now?

    Has anyone else had this problem? Just hoping it’s nothing serious.

    I’ve got my 6 week check next week so I’ll ask them too.

    Thanks so much for your help xxx

    Laura 143

    Not sure if i had the same thing or not but my right side was really painfull on my ribs front and side, i had strapping on so i couldnt see anything but when i had it took off it was black underneath there was no wonder it hurt. Im 4wpo today an the bruising is just about gone its took some shifting, it was half way around to my back so no where near my incission area so i was really suprised at had far round it had gone. Must go through a lot of trauma to come out like that so i would say its pretty normal xx

    Georgia 3

    Hi , I had one boob bigger on the left and my surgeon told me this side where the smaller implant went in will be more painful and swollen as it took a lot more work to get implant in. My chest wall comes out more that side. I have pain underneath and in rib area also so I think it’s pretty normal x

    Becks 17

    Hi Mary, i had pain like u described, it felt like my ribs were bruised for about 6 weeks post op. It also hurt going right around my side to my back. I’m 8 weeks post op now and I don’t feel like my ribs are bruised anymore, still a bit sore and tender though xx


    Hi everyone thanks so much for your messages. It’s so reassuring to know that hopefully what I’m experiencing is normal.

    I think it must be because I had the bigger implant on the left side so maybe it has caused more trauma on that side. I think I just feel a bit worried because a lot of people seem to recover so quickly.

    I really hope the pain goes away soon.

    Thanks for your messages xxx

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