Clothes and other items post op Started by: Kristy

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  • Kristy 44

    So I have my maccom bras and I know I’ve got my pillow down because my dog keeps stealing it! (Will have it cleaned to avoid infection risk) but what clothes should I get? Any other useful items I should consider?

    Cheers ladies x

    Kristy 44

    2nd photo attempt

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    Daniella 21

    A travel pillow helped me loads as well as the V pillow whilst I was sleeping up right. Straws, zip hoodies, nothing which needs to be pulled over your head. Joggers which are easy to pull up for your ride home x

    Lattie 4

    @Kirsty, where did you get your pillows from? X

    Chloe 22

    Basically what Daniella said – V neck pillow, comfy joggers, zip up hoodies/button up pj’s, straws for your drinks, I didn’t use them but apparently ice packs are good for swelling! Dry shampoo until you can wash your hair, baby wipes to clean yourself while you can’t have a shower, I also took arnica pillules for bruising (I hardly had any bruising when my dressings came off and it’s probably down to these!)x

    Kristy 44

    @aishaa I got mine on trusty Amazon Prime, its made by Sanggol, its a tad more costl;y but I definitely think its worth it for the extra length.

    Thanks for all your reminders and tips @chlogallacherx & @snwd1, will definitely get in some straws, ice packs and check out those Arnica Pillules x

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by Kristy 44.

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