Compression Socks Started by: Charlotte Richards

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    Hi, I had my op yesterday and wasn’t told if I could take them off last night or whether I had to wear them for a specific length of time so I’m still wearing these sexy compression socks around the house haha! Does anyone know if I can take them off now? Thanks for the help in advance ladies 🙂 x


    I was advised to keep mine on for three days after my op, I think it was because I had a long travel back though the next day. Hope you’re feeling well? X

    Aneilia 30

    I was told to keep them on for atleast a day after. I had my op on Sunday I took them off last night x


    @jemmab Ah ok, might keep them on for a bit longer then. Yeah I’m feeling OK actually thanks for asking, I’m able to do a lot more than I thought I’d be able to do and the pain isn’t too bad just uncomfortable when I move too much x

    Cath 6

    I took mine off before leaving the hosp


    I took mine off an hour after my op ! X

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