Concerned.. Started by: Joanna

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  • Joanna

    Everyone who has seen my photos or seen my boobs were shocked at my blood blisters. I’ve had a look at the majority of my friends on here and no one has had them like me! If there is any one on here who’s had the problem I’m having I’d greatly appreciate your advice.
    I think I’m going to call MYA tomorrow, the only reason I’m hesitating is because in 6 weeks time if I’m over the moon ill feel silly moaning.
    When my strapping came off the nurse gasped as well as my friend which makes me think there wasn’t much care or thought put into how tight my strapping actually was. I expected I wouldn’t be comfortable but that was not normal. I’ve had rhinoplasty and that was way less painful then the ordeal of my strapping.
    I was in agony right up until I had the strapping off, I am so bruised and have blood blisters on both boobs and on the sides! Also worried about these marks which look like stretch marks – I was told the reason I was having the strapping was so I wouldn’t have stretch marks – I haven’t gone to a ridiculous size either (I don’t think).
    Apologies for the rant just confused at the moment..

    xjessx 5

    heyy hunny bee! i’v just had a look now they look awful, they will go in time though but still ring your nurse first thing in morning! only down side you cant put anything on to help them go…xxx


    Hey Hun I’ve sent you an add, I’m intrigued to see your pictures, I was left with scabbing on my boobs after my strapping came off x


    Ah Joanna you poor thing, were you in a lot of pain with the strapping?? Seems a bit odd where the blood blisters are, you expect them on the scars. I would def call and I wouldn’t worry that your wasting their time. Maybe a trip to your Drs may be an option if your not close to the MYA clinic. I’m sure it’s nothing but better to put your mind at rest…other than that your newbies look fab xxx


    Hey girls, thanks for taking a look.
    Not me just going crazy then I guess!
    Got a app with docs on fri, see what they say..was meant to go back to work today but the nurse said I can’t shower for a few more days, I feel so grubby as it is, can’t face work!
    Stephanie ill accept you now Hun x

    mumler 1

    If it helps my strapping on my right side had a great big ridge in it and was really painful until it finally got taken off then it took about a week for the sensitive side to settle !


    Hey Hun I had them around the sides where my strapping was so tight and digging in it actually started to bring tears to my eyes and such a relief when it was taken off! But then the following day I did kind of miss it I got told the strapping is to give extra support and to makes sure they stay in place Hun at the end of the day strapping will not stop stretch marks if your going to get them then your going to get them that is all about how well your skin stretches good luck Hun xx

    cllxox 1

    Hiya Hun! I’ve added you. I had a few pinch blisters but nothing that was to painful. Although irritating!! My nurse said they should just natural fade…. Sorry to hear you’ve got them bad! I know the strapping can do this 🙁 xx

    xjessx 5

    Let us no how you get on joanna 🙂 xxx


    Thank you for your support ladies…
    Jess I certainly will, got docs tomorrow to see if I can get signed off for a few extra days and too just re-assure me i’m ok! I feel so fragile. I keep catching the blood blisters on sports bra’s. **ouch**
    Cllxox I’ve accepted you hun, just really interested to see other girls with the same problem as me! Because so far I haven’t!! xxx


    Hey i’m four week post op and still have small dressings on, due to annoying blisters near my scars, they literally have to dry up so they don’t pop and infect the scar, soo annoying but least MYA have good aftercare as I go back every four days! I never had bandages or strapping just a small dressing over my stiches, and as Ive found out now my skin became irritated by them xxx

    xjessx 5

    awww hunny! (hugs) good luck xxx


    babe my cousin had blood blisters she is on here but she has no pics on to show u , she went on holiday n she had steri strips to cover her scars so she could go in the pool in the shallow end obviously but she was changing them one night n she ripped the blisters off …they never left a mark .youd never know she had them I promise , she was 4 n half weeks maybe 5 when she went away …hope this reassures you a bit x x
    send a request hope u don’t mind x x x

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