Concerned about shape 14dpo Started by: Lauren aicken

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    I had 300cc unders 14 days ago never had any symmetry issues but for some reason my right nipple seems to be much lower then the left ? And the left boob looks loads bigger !?? I’m worried if it’s normal for them to look so different from each other ?? Please excuse mess on my body I just had tapes and steristrips removed ! X



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    Tor Shields 78

    I was worried because mine looked very different as well. The right looked much bigger than the left and it seems to have dropped quicker. I have been reassured that this is totally normal though. You have to treat each breast as a seperate surgery and they will both recover at different speeds. I’ve seen so many girls post on here about how one dropped quicker than the other and how one side was more swollen. It’s just a case of waiting it out and eventually they should both be healed and look much more similar x

    Ruth 116

    It’s completely normal lovely, I’m 5 wpo and my left currently looks smaller, my right is dropping quicker has done from the beginning. The other one will eventually catch up. Yours look fab x

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Ruth 116.
    Becca 168

    So true! I’m almost 8 weeks post op now and I still have one higher, tighter, flatter boob where I haven’t used my muscle as much on my left side. My right has dropped, fluffed and filled out and looks like a proper boob! Trying to remember to use my left hand for as many tasks as possible now to try to get the muscle to relax more so that it hurries up and evens out!

    Billy 9

    Hi Becca how are you getting on? I’m 8 weeks post op and have the same concern. Hoping to hear yours have evened out now ??

    Angie 2

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    I’m 17 dpo and mine look different too. nipples at different levels. one is bigger high and round another the opposite. can’t stop worrying but know i need to wait. I had 350 in right and 325 in left and keep thinking they would look better if they both got 350

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