Confused about what to pick! Started by: kittykat23

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    Hi girls,
    I went for my first consultation today. Really good first impressions! I’m just a bit confused about what to ask for when I see Dr Traynor next week. I want the most natural look and feel possible but I still want them to be big!

    I’ve heard people talking about Natrelles, are they teardrop shaped because my PC said that they wouldn’t give a good cleavage result?! I’m an A/small B at the moment, hoping to get to a D/DD.

    Also, how much is everyone paying? I’ve been quoted £4150
    So confused!!
    Thanks!! x x x


    My quote was for CUI….Natrelle wasn’t mentioned in the consultation and I forgot to ask! So confused about all the different options! x


    Mr Traynor is known for giving you the natural look, im booked in to have my op with him this month. he’s straight to the point but lovely 🙂 x


    Hey Hun you have cui’s and natrelles and in the natrelles range you have soft touch and responsive and then anatomicals (tear drop) my guess is unless your a very sporty person that you’d be offered the natrell soft touch which are more expensive than cui’s but the guarantee is lifetime where as the cui’s is 10 years they offer a more natural look the tear drops don’t give a fuller look because of the shape so that’s probably what you pc was saying I reckon you’d probably be offered around the same size implant as me so feel free to add me if you want to my stats are different to yours though! I paid £3595 for mine as a late space any questions you want answered Hun feel free to message me 🙂 xx


    Hi Jenny what implants did u have Cui or naturelle and how much was ur quote before late space price. How does late space do u just get given a date available or cancellation ???


    I was so desperate to look totally natural when I had my first consultation. I ended up having high profile round implants and they are very natural looking. My surgeon said I would have been disappointed if I’d had the moderate profile or teardrop implants – they’re all down below and no up top, i.e. he thought I’d still end up using chicken fillets to get a nice shape in my tops and dresses. And looking at my boobs 2 weeks post op, I definitely think he was right! I’m now scared of them dropping in case I lose that lovely full shape! I think you should just trust your surgeon – all girls are different and there are so many factors. Just take in lots of pictures of boobs you like and say “I want them, can you give them to me?!” 🙂


    Thanks for the advice @Jenny and @Frankie❤ … it’s taken me years to get the courage up to get them done so I don’t want to make the wrong choice! I think i’ll go with the Natrelles even if they are more expensive, i’ve heard that there’s less risk of them rippling? x x


    @caz I’m going to have a look for some boob idols this weekend so I can show them what i want! x x


    The original quote I had was £4150 for cui & £4595 for naturelles but I went late space so saved £1000 if you can do that it’s well worth it Hun I accepted your request xx


    @jenny I’m booking for the end of January so i’m not sure i’ll be able to get a late space, £1000 is a massive saving! How long post op are you? They look great! x x


    No probably not but you can ask Hun 🙂 if not I’d try to delay your consult a bit unless there has to be a specific date you need your op done on if you can give or take a few days then I would really advise delaying it till November/December and see if they will offer late space then Hun I’m near enough 10 weeks po now thanks Hun I’ve had my up’s and down’s opinion wise but now that they are settling properly I am a very happy bunny 🙂 xx

    xjessx 5

    heyy i had cui’s with mr traynor nearly 6 weeks ago now! i paid £4150 xx


    I was a 32b and had 375 natrelle soft touch extra high profile overs. I asked to look a D/DD and that’s exactly what I’ve got. Good luck x

    Nancy 1

    Hey Jenny, did you ask for a late space offor or do they offer one to you? £1000 is a massive saving xxx p.s just added you hoep you dont mind!


    Hey Nancy Hun yea they give you normal prices then I asked for a late space price and she said just take a thousand off of the prices she had wrote down but all pc vary some will only knock £500 off and £750 but if you push then you can get it cheaper! I was lucky though I didn’t have to push my pc! I accepted too Hun 🙂 xx

    tracey 2

    I was 30 a had natrals under muscle there round implants but look for ur self and see if u think they are natural looking or not x im now mesuring 30 e look around a d cup my implants were 365 cc high profile there’s less risk of rippling and less risk of capsila (prob spelt that wrong) because they are more tectured than other implants

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