Confused and worried Started by: Alana Wise

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  • Alana Wise 48

    Hi girls,

    So my op is in 10 days with Mr Singh. I’m having 300cc HP overs. I said I wanted a natural look and he said to me that overs to him look the most natural as boobs aren’t supposed to be hidden under the muscle. And when they are unders your muscle clenches them so at times they can look un-natural. From reading on here, loads of you are saying that unders offer the most natural look. Obviously I should take the opinion of the surgeon, but I can’t help but feel worried slightly xx

    Kate 18

    I have 350cc HP overs and mine look natural 🙂 I told Mr Traynor that I wanted mine to be really natural. Feel free to add me and have a look xx

    Alana Wise 48

    Hi Kate, I’ve added you. Will look at them once I’m on a computer! How long ago have you had yours? Xx

    Kate 18

    No problem I’ve accepted 🙂 I’m 7 weeks post op – haven’t got a picture on within the last couple of weeks but I’ll upload another one soon. I’m got measured the other day at M&S and I measured a 34DD – I was a 34a to start with xx

    Alana Wise 48

    How was your recovery? I’ve heard overs are an easier recovery than partials and unders? Have they dropped much? Xx


    Hi hun overs can look just as natural as unders in my opinion.. but they can sometimes look unnatural if they dont have enough coverage.. unders have that extra coverage so for ppl with very little breast tissue its the best option.. and they can look unnatural for the reasons that ur surgeon mentioned.. there are plus points and negative points to both.. singh is a fabulous surgeon i’d trust his judgement but if u dont feel happy u could try speaking to him again or if its not possible b4 ur op.. express ur concerns to him about it on the day hun x

    Regina 38

    Hi Kate hope you don’t mind the add, I’m also goin for 350cc overs and want a natural look. Just a bit worried they’ll get that hollow look at the top of the breast with time Xx

    Alana Wise 48

    Hi Missy. Thank you for stating that. To be honest he said I could have either overs or unders. It was up to me. But he did say that in his opinion overs were more natural. I guess on the day he’ll have a clearer view and he might even go for partials. What did you have? Xx

    Kate 18

    No problem Gina I’ll accept you 🙂 Yeah they’ve dropped quite a bit – I saw the nurse last night and my right has dropped fully almost now but my left is still a bit higher and harder – I had a bigger implant in my left though so it’s going to take a bit longer..
    Mt recovery hasn’t been bad at all, not really any pain as such, mostly just a bit of discomfort the first few weeks. You’ll be fine, its not bad at all – I’ve really enjoyed the whole experience xx


    Ah ok actually if ur torn between the 2 partials would be good middle ground.. see what he says hun.. whatever u end up getting they will be fabulous.. i had overs x

    Alana Wise 48

    Thanks for all your help girls! Really appreciate it. I’ll let you know how I get on xx

    Rebecca 46

    I would go for partials babe as I had this and they look natural in real life . I got told by both surgeons I saw that overs would make them look round and as I don’t have lots of breast tissue very fake looking :/ so god nows maybe it depends on the surgeon and your breasts as well as everyone is different xxx

    Trace 158

    Ladies, can I add you all please. I am booked in for overs but the more I think about it and see overs, I am starting to change my mind!!

    I can see that unders sit really high up, but overs are sitting more natural xx

    Kate 18

    No problem – I’ve accepted you 🙂 xx

    Alana Wise 48

    Yeah I might speak to him Rebecca on my surgery day and see what he suggests. I was quite surprised he offered overs as I thought you had to have a fair bit of breast tissue. And I’m only a 32A xx

    Rebecca 46

    Yeah babe speak to him , I think if there a good surgeon they can make them look natural anyway both ways so trust him ! Also cup and breast tissue is different as I was like b/c but all my breast tissue was at the bottom and he said I had actually none on too and in the middle so that might be why I had partials x

    Elizabeth 14

    Hiya lovely, I’m having Dr Singh in 10 days too. I told him I wanted a natural look and he’s giving me 400cc hp overs. From what I’ve seen overs drop a bit more than partials or unders but I do think it depends on each individual and how much skin / breast tissue you have to begin with. I was really surprised he suggested overs for me as I’m only a 34a (he said I’m not even that). I’d trust what he says, he’s been a surgeon for like 30 years. I know this is scary for us but it’s an every day thing for him 🙂 xx

    Alana Wise 48

    Aw thanks girls! I think I’ll have a chat and see what he says but I do trust his decision – probably best I do really otherwise I’d have no hope haha! If mine look like any of the girls I’ve seen on here I’d be more than happy! Yours look amazing Rebecca. Might see you there Elizabeth 🙂 xx

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