Considering Breast Enlargement Started by: Grace

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  • Grace 2

    I have been wanting a boob job since I can remember! I think I’ve always been to nervous to do it incase they turn out wrong or I don’t like them, or if they do look really ‘fake’ and ‘stuck on’! I’ve done so much research and had friends use MYA so they would be my go too.
    I have looked at all of the patient stories and some look really lovely, but others also scare me with how unnatural they look, and that’s really not what I would want, but I’m also under the understanding that they change after a few months? I guess my first step would be to go to a free consultation right?
    Also, I am a teacher, in a nursery! How long would I realistically be looking at for the recovery period? I’m also aware I’ll probably have to have surgery done during the half term, but I’ve heard so many different stories about recovery times.
    ANY advice would be soooo helpful, thank you 🙂
    Grace x

    Stacey 2

    Hi Grace!
    I was exactly the same as you! I wanted a breast enlargement from when I was about 16 and realised I wasn’t going to grow any haha! I’m 31 now and had them done nearly two weeks ago and it’s by far the best decision I’ve ever made: they still have a lot or changing to do but I’m so happy with my results so far.
    My surgeon was Mr Mileto – I cannot recommend him enough. I asked for a big but as natural as I could go; and he really took it all into consideration. You just have to do your research and explain to your surgeon the look you want.
    I am in the hospitality industry and do a lot of lifting and movement so I took a month off of work: you shouldn’t be doing any lifting for 6 weeks whilst your body is healing so again I think it depends how active you are in your job and speaking to your surgeon about what they recommend / what action you need to take when returning to work.
    I had 375 and 400cc under the muscle. The first three days were pretty painful but by the end of week one I had zero pain and im pretty much back to normal! Except for lifting and things like that. I still can’t wash my own hair yet either haha but other than that Recovery was really not that bad for me! But again; everyone is different.
    I hope this helps! Xx

    Grace 2

    Hi Stacey, thank you so much for the reply! I too am now 31 myself and finally feel confident enough to do it. Overthinking it is just making it worse. I think my first steps need to be to book a consultation. Thank you so much! 🙂 x

    Tara 6

    Hi Grace, it’s absolutely natural to worry. After you book a consultation, do your own research. There’s a lot of information online about breast augmentation from top surgeons and from patients. Of course all the usuals find a good surgeon, who will measure you up talk you though everything. What helped me a lot is understanding implants diameter, volume, width, before the consultation . Measure your own breasts, such as width of each breast, height, projection. Then look up charts online for the implants brand you’re going for and find the size of implant that you think would be the best fit. Then search for pics, videos of post op with the same size implants that you think would fit and see what they might look like. You might’ve read it already, that surgeons recommend the width of the implant to be at least 0.5cm smaller than your breast width. If implant is wider or too high in projection that might cause rippling. All depends on your physic and amount of skin and fat on your breasts. In any case if natural what you’re after, you’ll achieve that as you and your surgeon will have couple of options to choose from on the day. Ok I’m rambling on now. Contact me if you have any questions.

    Grace 2

    Hi Tara, thank you so much for that response! I have literally just got the measuring tape out! haha I have researched my breast shape as well and I think I have east, west tubular shape and would prefer the CPG teardrop implant. On my measurements I think I would need maybe a 180CC but I suppose it all depends on what a consultant says! I know exactly what I am after so I am going in there with a clear view for sure. Thank you again xx

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