Constant burning in right boob help?? Started by: Nicole'

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  • Nicole'

    Hi ladies, I ha e a constant burning in one area off my right boob my left is fine it this is quite severe as if someone is holding a hot straightener on it? I have ice packs which ate helping a little but the constant Stinging/burning doesn’t feel normal? I have spoken to the nurse who tells me it is normal but my friends who have had this done never experienced this as anyone had this? My boob isn’t hot to touch it’s just the constant hit burning sensation it’s driving me mad!!! Xx


    I had exactly the same thing, I could barely walk at one point as it was so painful. It was only one area but felt like someone was holding a hot poker on it, was really horrible. I had strapping on and when the nurse took it off my nipple was stretched really far over, not sure if that was causing it but it took a few days for it to stop but never had it since thank god. How far PO are you??


    Aww Trish it’s horrible had my op on Saturday I spoke to the Nurse she said its normal as nerves are healing but I feel
    Like I have a hot iron constantly pressed on it in one place!!!.. I have quite a high pain threshold usually which is why this is worrying me its horrific and isn’t easing at all! Due to have strapping off on Friday but if this carries on not sure I can cope it’s making me not be able to get up and move around keep thinking my stitches have split its that bad! How long did yours stay for? So glad someone else has had this I was starting g to freak out! Xx


    I remember going for a little walk and nearly passing out it was so bad and I too have a really high pain threshold but this literally took my breath away. I thought it had gone once the strapping came off but walking to the car it started again. Defo within a couple of days it went and I had the strapping taken off a day early as I couldn’t handle the burning any longer. Maybe if your really suffering try the same hun. Defo isn’t a permanent thing so try not to panic xxx

    emma 3

    Yeh ive had the same, but it was in both breasts …. thankfully it only lasted a day then I was fine xxx


    Thanks Ladies fingers crossed I wake up without it tomorrow xx


    Might not want to hear this but I’m 22 days post op from BA and uplift and Ive had this on and off the whole time in by right boob too!!! I’ve healed really well and nurse told me it’s all part of healing process and nerves healing. I’m sort of used to it now xxx Had my dressings off today but can you believe on left boobs still got a small area that needs dressed. So makes no sense other than they are to seperate operations and boobs and don’t reactin same way.

    Happy healing 🙂

    Becky 1

    I still get this now and then in my right boob too and I’m 9 weeks it’s gradually getting better sometimes if I get up too quick out of bed etc but it’s the nerves still healing xx

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