my cosultation with mr adamo lasted about 45mins but theres no time limit with mya, you can stay until u feel all ur questions have been addressed. i went in with my mum, he was very friendly and asked some questions about my background health history, like allergies, previous operations, my reasons for wanting implants etc….then he measured me, this involves you taking ur bra off and ur top so wear something comfy….then after noting my measurements he suggested 3different implant sizes and showed me what they looked like, i put them in my own bra one by one to see what it would look like and picked one (i took ages…lol)….after that he went through the procedure, explaining what he would do, he also explained all the risks like infection etc….and i signed a form saying he had explained everything and then he said that i can contact my advisor if i have any more questions or want to see the implants again or whatever else and that was it……not stressful or embaressing at all….he was lovely. good luck. if u have any more questions let me know. i have my op booked for aug 5th. x