Hi ladies
Good luck to everyone having their new boobies today…Seen a few on this morning.
I have my first consultation booked aaahhhhh. Feels great to of finally made this step. Although i must admit i’m glad i didn’t do it when i was 18 (i wanted to go bigger then) as looking back they were great the way they were…And i want them back!!
I breastfed my only daughter for 6 months and went from a 32c to a G. I am now left with the empty sacks they left behind.
My thoughts are either i’m going to have to go rather large to fill them or have an uplift (which i cant really currently afford) so i’m hoping to get some good news of ‘you dont have to go too big and you dont need and uplift)
What i want advice on is: what happened in the initial consultation? What do we discuss? Do i need to bring any questions etc with me?
hope someone out there can give me some advice 🙂 xxx
Our storey sounds very similar, I’ve also just booked my consultation, and I was told that we would discuss what I wanted to achieve look and pictures of different implants, discuss prices and finance if I wanted it. And the procedure would be explained:) I think j question are best for the consultation with the surgeon:) xx
Great thanx Nicole. So when is your consultation? Do you know how long after we get our consultation with the surgeon? Also will they know whether or not i will need an uplift initially? I dont want to go down the finance rout and have an uplift so if this is the case…I’ll have to wait until next year, which will devastate me 🙁
I’ve got mine on Saturday hun:) u? I think the consultation with the surgery depends on availability, the surgeon would tell u if u need a uplift. Wait until you’ve seen the surgeon then discuss finance 🙂 I no the feeling I’m dreading bein told this to
Eeek i’ve read somewhere..maybe on this, that if your nipples are 21cm from the collar bone your okay. Im just on this, so crossed fingers.
Glad to of found someone on at the same stage/ position as me. Mine is the following saturday at 11 (they cant book weekends in advance but because i’m 2hrs away and there during that weekend they’re provisionally booking it for me and calling me on Mon)
Please let me now how you get on. So we don’t even take our tops off etc in this 1st 1?Do we pay a deposit etc or the surgeon first? Guess these are the questions i should of asked the lady on the phone but i was too excited to of made my mind up for sure hehe.
I’m so ready for this like i want it today haha. But realistically it will be may (If i only need implants)
Rhi xxx
No don’t take top off, not that I was told. Just fill out a health form, and talking about the surgery really, then they say who would be best for u to see, surgeon wise. When I booked the man I spoke to told me all this on the phone:) tell me about it I’ve wanted it for like forever ye, I will message u after I have the consultation and let uno how it goes:) u have to take I.d aswel just incase u didn’t no xxx
haha okay. No i wasn;t told any of this and i’ve spoken to 2 people. Anyway thanx for the heads up…Where will you e having your surgery? Im sooo flipping exited and hoping i don’t get the bad news. 🙂 If so it’s back to the savings for another year 🙂 xxxx
Aww what size bra are u now? I think I would be having it done in highgate. I will keep u updated about the process. When u hoping to have your surgery if u only need implants? If u have a certain amount , u can ask for the mya 10 month loan 0% free and no credit check xxx
For my first consultation all I did was go speak to my patient coordinator! She talks you through the op asks why you want t doing? How long you’ve thought about it. Asks you rough questions on the look you want to achieve, she will show you some before and after pics like a boobie catalogue ahah and then you will discuss surgeons with her and which one you want to book a consultation with! Hope this helps! Xxx
Nicole – Im a 32b now. Im hoping to have it done in may.. Do you know how far away the late space offers are??
Jamie- Hiii, thats really helpful im soooooo excited 🙂
Havnt got a clue hun, I doubt u will need a uplift, I’m a 34D. If u find out let me no please xx
Enjoy the experience, mya are so friendly and make everything so much easier so you can enjoy the journey! Xxx
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