Hi I’ve just had my surgeon consultation and I’ve been advised the biggest implant I can have is 300cc, HP unders.
I am a 32a/small b, height 5’4 and 8 stone 6, I just wondered if anyone with similar stats has had this size implant. I really want to achieve a D cup and had 350cc in mind! Just don’t want them to be too small and to be dissapointed! If anyone’s got any advise or pictures I would really appreciate it. Thank you
Hi Emma I am 5.3ft and 8.4 stone and I have a very small bust , maybe 32b at a push !! I am having 375cc overs which really surprised me as I thought I would be offered around 250cc and thought they’d have to go under the muscle. I did say I didn’t want them too big and false looking , I said I would like a c or maybe small d . I am hopefully having surgery on 25th Jan ?
Heyy hun 5’2 had 300cc biggest i could of had was 325cc…i was only small i was 30a now 32D /DD depending on bra and where i get it from i had mine done nearly 3 years ago now xx
Thank you for replying I think I’m going to try and push for 350cc! It’s so hard knowing what size to choose
I know it is hun 300 is a good size though if you have a small frame like myself i love mine xx
Hi Emma, I’m 5ft5, 81/2 stone and a small 32b I’m having 300cc high profile unders on the 26th Jan my surgeon said that was the biggest I could have and should achieve around a D cup xx
Hi Emily they told me I’d achieve a C/D and I really wanted a D! It sounds like I may be able to get that from the comments. I can’t wait to find out how yours turn out good luck! xx
Thanks me either I’ll try keep you updated let me know how you get on, who’s your surgeon? Xx
I’m 5’4 and I was 7 stone 4 just before my surgery and 295 was the biggest I could go ? I’m almost 5 weeks PO so I don’t know what size I am but they look ok. Still wish I could have got 350 too but obviously I’m nowhere near settled so I might even be glad I couldn’t go bigger by the end of it all, definitely better than nothing!!! ? Fingers crossed you can push for bigger but I reckon im going to be around a D/DD with 295 & 275 so you’ll defo get your D ? Xx
Hi Josie yours look amazing! I would be so happy if mine turned out like that I will try and push for higher and if not will settle for the 300cc! What size were you before? xx
Thanks, I’m not 100% happy yet but I think it’s just passing boob greed, hopefully that fades cos I didn’t want super huge boobs I just wanted to be proportional.
I started as a flat 30A , I had just a tiny bit of boob on one side hence the different size implants haha! ? X
@emmapageyx, seen you request will add you. I’ve had 275 hp from 32a and currently I would say I’m a C/D. Was told I would definitely achieve a big C. Wearing a 32D sports bra at the mo and finding that a little tight, but still only just 3week PO. So once the swelling has fully gone and dropped and fluffed should still be a big C small D would imagine guess it depends on the bra. In clothes I don’t really look that different as I had so much padding before. But I only wanted a C so really happy. I haven’t really had boob greed yet but I’m sure I’ll get it at one point xxx
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