Consultation Started by: Georgie

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  • Georgie

    Hi girls..
    I’ve just booked my initial consultation at chelmsford, just a few questions if someone wouldn’t mind helping?

    1. If I change my mind after the consultation about going with MYA can I just change my mind?

    2. Will I be shown? Given the opportunity to try some implants on to get a better idea?

    3. If I choose to have a consultation with the surgeon can I still change my mind about the surgery after?

    Hope to hear back xx

    Claire 59

    Hi ya, you have the first consultation with a PC personal consultant, your go to person they will give you a tablet with a few forms on it with medical questions. Then your taken though to have a chat to see whet you would like to active natural, fake. Then then match you to a surgeon.
    I didn’t get to try on implants at this stage.
    Then it’s the surgeons appointment were you discus what size you would like to achieve, profile and placement, you’ll try on sizes then.
    If you not comfortable with the choice of surgeon you can ask to see some one else.
    I didn’t pay anything till I was 100% sure a few weeks after.
    The only charge you would get before this is if you fail to turn up to see the surgeon and don’t cancel before 24 hours.
    Hope this helps xx

    Hannah 214

    @georgies hi there 🙂

    1. You can total change your mind after the initial consultation.

    2. Yes I was given the implants to hold and try on. They also give you a mya bra to pop the implants in, then they have a vest you can put on to, to see what they would look like.

    3. Yes again you can meet the surgeon free of charge, and still decide after the meeting to go no further in the process

    Best of luck! Xx

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