Consultation stage – surgery booked Started by: Daniella

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  • Daniella 21

    Hi girls,

    i’ve had my initial consultation and have paid my deposit to confirm my date on 27th August (as i was told if i change my mind once meeting my surgeon within 2 weeks i can cancel). I’m yet to meet Mr Marcellino next week… I’m really apprehensive about the whole thing, one minute i’m excited and then the next I’m reading what could go wrong and wondering if it’s all worth it. I was just wondering if anyone had any reviews on Mr Marcellino or any advise to settle my nerves and stop being a wuss

    thanks in advance XXXXX

    Rael 20


    I just had my operation on Monday 12th June with Mr Marcellino. I am going to tell you my honest opinion

    When I had my first consultation with him, I found that it was very rushed. I found that he didn’t really take the time to speak to me as an individual, it was like because he had a long day at work, he just wanted to rush through everyone and wasn’t really concentrating.

    I mean this in the sense of, I thought that when meeting my surgeon he would tell me what size HE thinks I should go, what he would recommend with if it should go over or under the muscle. But I found that it was me just talking. I basically went in said the sizes I want and then it was like he was just agreeing to it for the sake of it and that was it.

    Now maybe that was my mistake for going in so confidentantly with thinking I knew the exact size that I wanted etc. but I would of liked to hear more from him as a surgeon and his recommendations.

    After my consultation, I had to sign a document by a member of staff that worked there and as we were going through the document she asked me if the surgeon showed or let me try on implants and I said oh no. I had no idea that we could of had this option and so I was disappointed as I would of loved to do this. (Not to worry after your consultation, you see your patient coordinator so I asked if I could try on then, but just a tip ask the surgeon if you can try on sizes because it is always best to get the surgeons opinion too).

    In my first consultation with my surgeon we agreed on the sizes 375cc, 400cc and 425cc to be ordered, however I wanted to change to go bigger after, but in order to do so I had to then arrange another consultation with the surgeon because you can’t just request for a size to be changed which is quite annoying as I live quite far and work full time.

    But I met with Mr Marcellino again for the second time, but this time I asked my partner to come with me, as I complained to my partner how I felt the first consultation went and I know that my boyfriend would ask any questions that we both had because I get very excited in the moment and forget to ask questions that I want to know.

    Now Mr Marcellino was fine with changing the implant sizes, and I found that the consultation was so much better than the first. However at my second consultation, I said to Mr Marcellino that I wanted to have the implants over the muscle, but at our first consultation we both agreed on unders. Mr Marcellino said to me thats fine I do not like to touch the muscle, but I thought that was weird because initially he had suggested to go under. So it does not make me feel great that either he is not concentrating and trying to get the best results for me, or he is just agreeing to everything I say.

    The day of my operation, Mr Marcellino came into my room and was marking my chest. 1. He kept telling me that 450cc was very big when I told him that is the size that I want to go, and I do feel like now I have had them done even though I am only 5 days post op, they are not anywhere as big as I thought they would be. I do feel like even though he agreed to ordering the implants of the size I wanted, he did exaggerate the size of the implants, because if I would of known I would of gone much bigger.
    2. When he was marking my chest with his pen, he mentioned to me that one of my breasts was slightly lower than the other, and I was confused why he was only just mentioning it to me now on the day of my op. Because at both consultations that I saw him he did not mention it.
    3. The nurse told me that normally people are discharged around 4 hours after their operation but Mr Marcellino keeps his patients there for 6 hours, which is not bad but just so you know what to expect.

    I just wanted to give my honest opinion of my experience with him, even though it may seem a bit negative he is a vey nice guy and it wasn’t a horrible experience were I wanted to change my surgeon. My advice would just when you see him, do not rush the consultation take your time, be as slow as you want to be to make sure that when you walk out of there, you have been given all the information you need, ask him for his recommendations, tell him what you want aswell and ask all the questions you feel like you need to ask.

    Daniella 21

    Thank you so much for getting back to me. My PC did say that he is quite straight to the point and likes to get things done.

    I’ve got a list of questions etc that i need to ask him because i’m so apprehensive about the whole thing so hopefully he won’t rush too much or this will put me off

    Can i ask how manageable the pain has been?

    That’s a shame you don’t feel they’re big enough, i’m sure once they have settled etc you will much happier with them!

    Thank you again xxx

    Rael 20

    Everyone’s pain will be different. But as soon as I had my operation I was fine, I was sick a little bit but I think that’s because I got some chips to eat after, so maybe just stick to what the offer which is toast, and pack some biscuits or something with you.

    The first few days after my operation I was in a little bit of pain but only if I was laying or sitting too low, I would get a burning sensation in my right breast incision. But when I found out the cause of it, I stared to sit/lay higher and it’s been fine. With the pain I high recommend ice bags they do the trick with easing the pain! X

    Daniella 21

    Perfect! Thank you! X

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