Has anyone had their op with the contraceptive implant still in? I have my op in 11 days and I’m not having it out? Do I have to take special precautions from dvt? Any help would be great! ?
I had my op on the 28th May and I have the implant in and everything was fine ?? they just ask on the day of surgery but you don’t need it out or anything xx
@bh72 hi Lucy, I had Kazzazi on 18/3 and had the implant in. Was a bit worried as when I read paperwork about the pill it paid stop taking it 6 weeks before. I spoke to Mr Kazzazi and the nurse and they said it is fine to keep the implant in and doesn’t have to be removed prior to surgery you just need to keep those stockings on for 72 hours after surgery and also said to keep mobile (even when laying down to keep moving legs and feet) and this will reduce the risk of dvt. Hope this helps and good luck xx
hiya lucy! i had my op on Monday with my implant in and i had to wear those socks for the op and while i was still in hospital but i took them off the following morning. i have been to the shop and getting up every couple of hours for a teeny walk even if it’s just to the loo or to get some water or food so i am keeping a little bit active. being in bed all day is killing my back! xx
Thanks girlie’s, I can picture how attractive I’m going to look after the op with strapping on., messy hair and now socks ? be all worth it in the end ? just wish it would hurry up and get to the 22nd ha xx