cost Started by: kiarah

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  • kiarah

    Im a bit gutted really……I did all my reserch as you do about all the best BA companys & felt i was left with the choice off 2 Mya & Transfom. Now my buget was


    Hi, Im booked in with MYA on the 2nd Sept. I was told at my very first consultation that it was


    Arr bless you, have you paid deposit with transform yet? If not and if you prefer mya go with them…I’m payin


    I have paid the whole amount! So i guess i dont have anything to bargin with……..That what you get for being to eagar!


    Agghh, im the same though, i rush into everything. I would ask for a stopover then. Just be cheeky, if you dont ask you dont get. Say that you now dont have someone to bring you back, but you have the following day. Say can i have a overnight included, say because MYA offered me it cheaper with a stop over and im unhappy. See what they say, what harm can it do, the worst they can say is no. your neverhave to see them again after anyway x xx


    :surprised:Hi Kiarah you should def be able to get your deposit back and book with MYA. I am sure i have read about people doing that before. Honestly you need to go with whoever you feel most comfortable with. This is your body remember hun. I hope you manage to sort it out and get what you want xxx

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