Cost of antibiotics ?? HELP ME Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Does anybody knw the cost of antibiotics roughly as iv a infection in my boobs I don’t get paid till 2 wks and have no money and iv been told I need to take the straight away I paid 7 grand for my boobs Ud think this would be included in the after are really thinks it’s disgusting if you ask me I’m gettin really worried iv rang my doctors to see if he could help but it’s now closed due to being Christmas I don’t want it to get worse over the Christmas period and ruin things for my children with me being I’ll help plz x

    Janet 4

    You should have an emergency doctors near to where you love. Ring nah direct and they will tell you where it is. Then it will just be a prescription cost xxx or try ringing yr doctors there should be an answer machine with the emergency doctors number on it xx

    Jasmine 10

    They should give them to you for free, they did for me at the firtzgerald clinic I had a four weeks course and didnt have to pay, not fair that you should have to leave it and worry over x mas, I would ring them and explain that you know others have had it for free and so should you xxx


    I rang and I said do I have to pay and she said yes I’m goin to see if I can get done from my local hospital I dnt feel well today but I dnt knw if I’m just unwell or it’s to do with my boobs I think they should treat all patients the same it isn’t fair no it’s proberly because I haven’t been able to get to change my dressing which at the time I was told that’s ok then got loads of voicemails they dnt seem to understand I have commitments and it’s difficult to get there I knw they are proberly just doin there job but I can’t keep gettin there it’s quite a travel for me it takes me a good few hrs to get there when I do go so I can’t get there every time they want me to the nurse gave me some dressings and said my brothers wife who’s is a nurse or my best friend who is also a nurse redress them for me I was told that was fine then get loads of voicemails saying I need to go in I’m not in pain just fed up really of wearing crappy sports bras and hiding them sorry to moan girls just can’t believe the meds are not included after paying so much x

    Amy 265

    Hi Hun prescription charges in my area are £8.05 but there no way you should have to pay x

    Stacey 2

    I got a private prescription last night at yes I it was 3.20 she said u only pay what the tablets cost , sometimes more sometimes less , hope u get better soon, is your scar open then Hun mine is to x


    Yes it’s open has been for a while now I’m not in pain thou are u x

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