coughing :( Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    so am need to get rid of this cough as my op is next week but nwt is working grr xx

    A30 1

    Go holland barratt and buy some echinacea and vitamin C, I take them all through the winter, it helps keeps colds away and stops you feeling run down. It won’t get rid of you cough but it will help stop you catching anything else. X

    Sian 2

    I used to suffer with bad coughs all the time (I don’t smoke) and they would last for ages. Once I had this cough and it wouldn’t go and I was flying to America the next week. My friend told me to go to the doctors as they had given her something to stop her coughing once.. So I went to my doctors to ask her if there was anything at all I could take to stop it as it would annoy all the passengers. She gave me a prescription for a syrup medication. It came in a brown bottle and OMG it really worked and stopped me coughing.. But I’m sorry it was about 20 years ago now and so I cant remember the name of it… I seem to remember it was a surgery syrup.

    I don’t know if they still do it but why not go to the doctors and ask.



    haha that was funi @sian u wer workin it up then dropd it it was 20 year ago that made me giggle haha am going to see if i can see doc tonyt xx


    is it just cause its annoying you? or can you not have surgery if you’re ill?
    i wondered this cause my partner said about going to his nans but was asking if i wanted to come because she had the flu, i didnt think to ask him what he meant…



    I’d speak to your DR about taking Vitamins hun, you’re generally told not to take ANY vitamins 2 weeks pre op, eso Vitamin C as it’s a blood thinner so I’d stay away from it until your post op. If it’s a mild cough/cold you can still go ahead with the op and it will cause no problems x

    rosey 3

    Night nurse works winders for me but id check with the dr first because it knocks you out xx


    thanks girls am going to see my doc today , its not that bad therw day really here & there its just night time were its really bad , am only a day case so it wudnt pop up on me am hopin threw the day & i think its becz av stop smokin as well so thats ontop of it aswell xx

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