Cup Size Started by: Rach C

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  • Rach C

    Thinking about having a breast enlargement but usure what size to go to. Im only small 5ft and currentlu have An A cup. How do i know what size to go for and do they do just normal cup sizes like A, B, C or do they do like a small c/ big c and is it the larger the size tge higher the cost 🙂

    Hannah 19

    Hi lovely, when you meet your PC they will talk through sizes and let you try implants on with an expanding bra and a tight vest top. When you meet your surgeon they’ll discuss the look you want to achieve and advise you what size implant will create that look.

    The implants don’t work in cup sizes, it’s in grams (cc’s). and each implant size looks different depending on each person 🙂

    Prices are set, it’s not more expensive for more implant. Any questions, feel free to message me xx

    Rach C

    I defo want one. Its just the price that worries me and the fact of i have no idea what size to go for. How did it make you feel after the op and what is recovery li8ke honestly. I have 2 young children to look after xx

    Joanna 38

    Rachel I will say honestly It’s quite difficult, do you have someone who can help you at home, my husband has been really good and done a lot around the house – I too only wanted to be a B/C and think they may be bigger, there is no guarantee on what size you could becomes. I am just 2 days post op had my surgery on Monday afternoon, emotionally I feel a bit unsteady too but that could be the amount of painkillers I’ve taken xx

    Hannah 19

    If it’s price you’re worried about then MYA use a third party to do payment plans 🙂 your surgeon / PC will help you with sizing! if you go in with any pictures etc of what you want then they will advise you from there.

    I’m 7DPO and the pain is worse than I thought in all honesty, the first few days was the worse. I barely slept the first couple of days and spent all of the third knocked out. your boobs just feel very tight and uncomfortable but honestly it’s being unable to sleep comfortably upright which is the worse! it’s not unmanageable pain but you would definitely need help with your kids! I just about managed to drive 10 minutes down the road and still can’t bend / pick things up. Emotionally I feel drained as well, feel ready to cry at anything! but it is a lot of stress on your body and it is all worth it 🙂 xx

    Rach C

    Thanks guys. Im sure it will be worth it. I would just love to feel half confident in a bikini ???? hope you all heal fast. XX

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