Currently having consultations with surgeons, DR TRAYNOR and sizes ??? Started by: Mollie

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  • Mollie

    I am 22 years old and have been thinking of a breast enlargement for around 3 years now. I am 5”8 and 9 stone . I am currently around a 34 A. I am wanting them quite natural and not to look stuck on. I am wanting around a big C small D. I have a consulation with dr traynor on Thursday. I am from the north west so I was wondering if any of you girls could reccomend surgeons and sizes. I am thinking around 275cc but don’t want it to be to small. I am also frightened of getting them to big and then ruining my shape and making me look a lot bigger than I am. Any pictures and advice would be really helpful thank you!

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Mollie.
    Rc 8

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    I am 5 ft 7, 8 stone 4 and I was a 32a( didn’t even fill the cup) I went for the biggest he gave me which was 350cc and I’m now a 34d and think they are perfect for my frame, literally look so natural and completely my size, have you seen Dr traynor? He will give you 3 sizes to pick from( I had Dr traynor and i think he’s great!) if you tell him what look your hoping for he’ll give you the best advice and recommend what size he thinks you should have, good luck!! Xx

    Steph 7

    Hi I’m booked in with Mr Traynor on Saturday and he is really good in the consultation he will advise what will suit your body. I’m 5’3 around 60kg and he recommended 300cc – 350cc to me and said he wouldn’t put anything bigger in as it would in his words ‘I’m too petite and to put it blunt anything bigger would make you look fat’ he’s very honest in his consultations! So I’m going with 325cc


    Hi no I haven’t seen him yet but I am hooked in to see him on October the 12th, I have been looking at pictures etc on the mya page and I am thinking around either 250cc-275cc at the moment but it’s hard as so many people look so different with similar sizes! I am really aiming for a big C small D as I don’t want them to change my shape to much. Do you have a may account on insta I could follow? I am trying to follow as many as I can to help me! I’m so glad yours look natural because that’s what I’m aiming for I really don’t want them to look stuck on that’s what I’m frightened of!xxx

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