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  • Dani 10

    Very nervous, having my boobs re done as doctor Frati messed up last year. So nervous!???!

    Becca 167

    What happened to you last year Dani?

    Best of luck today!

    Ruth 116

    Good luck Dani ?
    Becca how are your boobs settling now are you pleased with them? x

    Dani 10

    Just came out of surgery feel so much better then I did last time and I’m so much awake! And Dr Frati put wrong sizing in and one boob was a lot higher then the other one. X

    Ruth 116

    Glad your not feeling too bad coming from theatre. Hope this time you’ll get the result you were hoping for first time round xx

    Becca 167

    Ah Dani congratulations! You must be so relieved that it’s all sorted now, I bet it was really frustrating and stressful for you! Hope you’ll have a nice, quick and straightforward recovery and get back to normal as soon as possible.

    Ruth my boobs are settling lovely thank you, I’m 7 weeks post op now and my incisions are finally fully healed, they’re starting to soften and get more squishy and jiggly. I’m able to wear normal bras now, able to submerge in the bath, back at the gym as normal and able to sleep flat again. It’s just flown! I’m hoping that between now and 12 weeks they will continue to soften and drop and fluff some more as I still want them to look a bit bigger!

    How are yours settling? How far post op are you now?

    Ruth 116

    Lovely to hear that your boobs are settling nicely and your fully back to being able to do all the normal things. What size are you measuring now at 7 weeks post op?
    Mine are doing really well thank you, the left is still lagging behind a bit, I’m 5 weeks post op tomorrow like you I can’t believe where the weeks have gone they have flown by x

    Dani 10

    Awh sounds great guys we’ll done! Currtly in over stay doing well staff have been incredibale I’ve felt so comfortable!! Cant wait for results

    Becca 167

    So far has it felt easier for you the second time around, Dani? I guess it must help to know exactly what to expect.

    Ruth I was measured at 6 weeks as a 30F or 32E (I was measured in 4 different shops – Marks & Spencer said 32E/F, Bravissimo said 32E, Victoria’s Secret said 32E/F and Boux Avenue said 30F) but the nurse told me that they have a bit of dropping and fluffing still to do, so I’m going to wait get measured again at 12 weeks to see if there’s any changes before I go absolutely crazy buying bras! I’ve bought quite a few to see me through to that point, though!

    My left was also much slower to settle. It has sat a little bit higher and a little bit tighter all along. It’s probably only really now, between 6 and 7 weeks, that it’s starting to catch up properly. Even now they are still changing so much every day, it’s crazy!

    Ruth 116

    Dani, Glad your doing well. How are you finding things now compared to first time round?
    32E/F is a brilliant result isn’t it, crazy that even now they are changing daily. To look back at progression photos in a year’s time will be interesting. I read one of your posts about seeing your nurse with a possible stitch that hasn’t dissolved did you get answers from her about it? x

    Becca 167

    I did! I was a bit concerned that I still had a small scab left on one of my incisions after 6 weeks as I thought they should have all healed already m by that point, and so I sent a photo over to my nurse on Thursday last week. She then rang me and asked me to come in as she suspected that there could be an undissolved stitch underneath the scab which could be preventing it from healing. Well I went in to see her yesterday and guess what, the scab had already healed and disappeared within those few days in between! So she just checked over my incisions and told me all is fine and no need to worry! So I was panicking for nothing after all! She said it’s possible that there was a stitch still there that may have just come off along with the scab, but the main thing is that I’m right where I wanted to be now – I just wanted all the scabs gone and to be left with nice normal scars so that I could feel like my old self again.

    E/F is really good, but I’m not going to lie, I do hope they grow some more still! Hopefully when I get measured again at 12 weeks I will have gained another cup size or so! But I am happy with what I have now, it is just the biggest improvement from where I was before!

    Dani, I hope you’re feeling good this morning!

    Ruth 116

    How typical that in those few days the scab has come away, glad all is ok though sorted itself out and has healed beautifully. I have one small scab left which looks as though it won’t be sticking round too much longer (thankfully.) Fingers crossed in another 5 weeks your new girlies will give you another cup size 🙂 bigger the better? x

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