Dates Started by: xbexx

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  • xbexx

    Hi! I’m going for a consultation with Mr Kazzazi on the 17th, & providing I can get my loan I would like to be able to get it done on the 15th of October. How likely do you think it is that I will be able to have the op on this day? Can you usually not choose the date you want?

    Also, if I can get the op done then, I have enough holidays left at work for me to have just over a week off which means in that time I can go back for my 1 week check up, but after that it will have to be Saturdays. Can you do that?

    Help would be much appreciated :) x


    it will all depend if you surgeon is available on that day, and if he is at the clinic your going to to get operated on, cuz the surgeons dont stick to one hospital. theyre always moving around to different clinics.

    with your check up, that should be fine! youll only be going to see the nurse for the first check up anyway! after 6 weeks is when you have to go see your surgeon.



    rightio. that helps a lot! thanks darlin’ :) ohhh i hope he is, ‘cos i can work my way around things then!

    d’ya know how long it usually is before you can go on a night out after a BA? like into clubs & things. my PC said 1 week but to be careful incase people bump into you & things, but if anyone has actually had their BA done & knows or could tell me their opinion that would be great! x


    some people might go out after a week, but im 3 weeks post op now and theres no way im ready to go out! mainly cuz ive got a bit of a complication with my righty atm! i overdid it in work and now the the outer end of right incision has opened and is weeping slightly! so im still healing! id say to give it atleast 3-4 weeks tho, cuz if you get knocked by sum drunken idiot or you attempt drunken dancing (lol) you might end up ripping ur scars! my lefty is fab but still very tender!
    its really killing me not being able to go out! im a student and used to going out like 3 times a week lol! so its difficult! but better to be safe than sorry i suppose!


    yeah definately! it’s just really hard to find a few weeks when i don’t have anything planned…like peoples birthday, e.g. a night out! if i can get it done when i hope to, then that gives me 3 weeks before a friends birthday, so fingers crossed! but if i feel like i’m not well enough i won’t go, ‘cos i don’t wanna risk anything going wrong.

    ohhhhh, i hope you’re healing well! that must of been a bit scary for you! how did you over do it? i work in an office so would only need a week off work, but sometimes i have to pick up really heavy binders…so i’m gonna have to try get out of that one! there’s only 1 person that knows i’m getting a BA done at work, i’m hoping i won’t have to tell my boss! x


    ye definetly not worth risking it!

    ye ive been stressing sooo much about this bloody scar! its healing! slooooowly! i was just lifting heavy things too soon! regret it now! ive not told anyone in work and dont intend to. ive just said ive hurt my back, so no lifting for a while!

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