Had dressings yanked off yesterday to reveal left boob healing beautifully and neat incision but right heavily bruised and tender with slight oozing at incision site.
Fast forward to this morning, got very little sleep as incisions were stinging like mad during the night and woke up with righties much bigger than left.
Not sure if you can see it n the pic but it’s about a cup size between them whereas they have been 100% symmetrical until today. On top of that, I’ve cracked a tooth and I’m in agony. Lol
Please can anyone let me know if they had this at 10dpo or thereabouts and that everything was ok. I keep telling myself to be calm it’s not a hematoma etc but I’m worried sick now with uneven swelling on top of that bruise and leaky incision.
Tell me it’s ok pleasssssse 🙁