Hi, yes can move freely now. If I stretch to far I feel it a sharp pain so I know to stop.
I am still not back to full strength in my arms, or at least I’m to nervous to try to see if I am 😉 but I’m nearly there I am back to easily opening car doors etc.. When I couldn’t actually fully open a car door for a week, I could open it part way and just had no strength left hehe ;). Drove myself 140 miles yesterday a bit achy but was fine.
My biggest thing is suffering from cold boobs my body doesn’t like the silicon and if I get a slightly cold chest I start to really shiver and shake. It’s not very nice but I think it’s just a silly phase my body is going through and I’ll be fine inca few days.
Decided I think I did a bit to much too soon, so trying to almost spend the next 3 days in bed to fully recoup and recover my energy stores. 😉