Day 2 post op. not stopped throwing up :( Started by: Emily

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  • Emily

    I had my op on Wednesday, everything went great, until yesterday. I’m so so ill, I haven’t stopped being sick, I now have nothing left in me to throw up but keep bringing up bile. I’ve completely strained my boobs by heaving and I’m in agony now, I hope I haven’t damaged them heaving. Also what do I do 🙁 I’m so poorly. I can’t even take my pain killers or anti biotics.


    thas horrible hun poor u 🙁 cant imagine how sore it must b on ur chest, i felt bad enough every time i sneezed or coughed never mind throwing up, it might b a bad reaction to the anesthetic, id give the nurse at the clinic a call and ask her what to do xx


    Arrr the pain of throwing up is just horrible, I was bad sneezing and coughing, now I just can’t even move,
    🙁 🙁 not nice, I’ve rang her, she said eat dry toast all day and take paracetamol,
    I hope I’ve not damaged my new boobies :(.

    miss-vi 1

    Sorry to hear you are unwell! I had similar problem after general anesthetic for vaser i had recently. all was good day 1 after op, and then i started to throw up. I called the MYA nurse, and she explained that some of the medicine is apparently too strong (painkillers i was given) for me and told me to change to paracetamol and ibuprofen instead. i got better next day! i would strongly advise you to call MYA nurse, you can even call the number on your emergency card, as then you would be put straight to the nurse and not going through levels of other ppl. nurse could also tell you which medicine you could take to stop throwing up, so you could keep the other meds in.
    Get better soon!!! and try to sleep, once you changed meds. i slept through the whole day and it definitely helped.

    miss-vi 1

    also, keep drinking some warm water. Even couple of sips will make things much easier if you have to throw up again.
    hope this helps


    Aww thanks hun, I’ve spoke to her she said I need to line my stomach and it is probs the aneathetic and the tablets.
    Ill have to just take paracetamol for today as I’m in so much pain now from straining when being sick.
    Yeah ill keep drinking lots of sips of water aswell.
    Thanks again xxx

    ducky01 4

    Oh my gosh bless you babe, I hope after you change the painkillers you start to feel better asap try not to stress & just concentrate on riding this out, all the best Emily xx


    Hi Emily, I was exactly the same on day two it was so horrible! When I rang the nurse she said that I wasn’t eating enough before taking the painkillers so I just made sure I ate at least couple of slices of toast n took them straight after and I was fine, I only needed the painkillers until day 3 anyway so you’ll probably find that you can stop taking them by day 3 anyway Hun and that’ll stop the sickness xx


    Thanks girls, just horrible set back for me, and I’m so scared of them not healing well that’s I’m
    Worried all this strain will damage them. I’ve stopped taking them now and having paracetamol, scared to put anything in my tummy cause I hate being sick! And it is hard work when your boobs are sore too lol.
    I’ve also stopped taking my anti biotics, ill start them again tomorow when I can eat more and keep it down better.
    Thanks for your help 🙂 I’m sure they will be worth it in the end! Xxx


    i had mine done at preston on wednesday! so sorry that your feeling unwell it must be awful for you, i hope you get well soon cant imagine how bad you feel xx


    I spoke to my nurse and she was adament i had to complete my anti-biotics as this helps stop infection and i was the same literally didnt want to take anymore medicine because was so scared of being sick but you’ve got to think theyve given you them for a reason 🙂 xx


    Aww did you, how’s yours doing? How you feeling? You pleased?
    Worried about mine, they’ve been bleeding abit where my cuts are, probs from when I’ve been heaving 🙁
    And one is still bigger than the other!
    Yeah hun ill start my anti biotics again tomorow 🙂 can’t tody I can’t keep Anything down 🙁 xxx


    im fine! not much pain at all, slight ache, the nuse rang me to see if i was okay and said sometimes taking the cocodemol with the antibis can make you ill, take thr anti bis but try and replace the cocodemol with just paracetamol, i dont want to get sick so im just taking my antibiotics and the cocodemol much less frequently, only when i REALLY need it, which isnt often! im sure by a couple of days youll be feeling just fine, itll just be the tablets honestly try not to worry 🙂 you wont have damaged your boobies but you will have strained yourself! best thing to do is rest:) im just chilling on the sims enjoying the time off! take care!! xxx


    Hey lovely lady’s. I’m feelin much better today. Had a day yesterday without any tablets. It was a painful day and night :(.
    I’m gonna start my anti biotics again today. Fingers crossed I’m not sick again. Xxx

    Em 3

    Hi Hun milky drinking Choc is a grate way the line your stomach when u can’t eat and need to take meds .x


    O yeah good point 🙂 cheers em. Xxx

    miss-vi 1

    yeah cocodamol is evil! had it to and switched to paracetamol. glad you are better!
    fast healing!

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