Day 25 pics Started by: Stephanie

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  • Stephanie -1

    Daily upload done.

    It’s funny, I can easily tell girls in theory need to wait x months for the result. I know this is right, but it doesn’t stop me wanting mine to look perfect NOW!!! Hehe

    I have problems as I look at other girls and think wow they look stunning whereas I look at mine and think it’s still flat me with a couple of silicone lumps stuck in. I think fighting with our own minds post op is the hardest challenge, all I can say is that you should look for the positives, and always remember they do change a lot. No they won’t get bigger they might get fractionally smaller, but they could fill a cup in a nicer way when they drop, which might look bigger it’s just the bulk of the breast moving south a bit.

    You really do think brilliant I have my boobies now, but it’s not quite like that, you need to be nice to them and above all be patient with them 😉 do as I say not what I do because I so don’t do that with my own 😉

    xxx Steph


    iv had my ba yesterday at 11am had 415 cc overs.cant believe its real still looking at them in disbelief but very happy there not too big and not too have come such a brilliant journey by loosing lots of weight and javing a getting new boobies you look fantastic you should be very proud because you look like a new women well done.x x

    Stephanie -1

    Thanks Rowanne 🙂
    I think this must rate as the best year of my life!! 🙂


    i bet.was you over weight before for a long period of time or just briefly.x x

    Stephanie -1

    Years 🙂 I had been over 5 stone overweight for 10+ years, and had never dieted, just looked in a mirror one day in March and snapped and said enough of this crap sort myself out. So my next payday 21st March I signed up to weightwatchers online, and I’ve been really strict. I started running for the first time ever in May and did my first marathon in October. I just snapped and changed completely I weigh in every Wednesday so did it this morning and i’m 10st 0.6 lbs sooo close to getting below 10stone possibly for the first time as an adult and i’m 41 now 🙂


    thats brilliant you must feel over the moon after ten years of being over weight and loosing so much and now with extra assets you fabulous.i was 4 stone over weight iv lost 2 stone and now iv had my ba i only want to loose another stone as it might change the appearance of my boobies x x

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