Day 3 po … incision Started by: Eveie

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  • Eveie 23

    Hi girls. Im on day 3 day and have been a bit taken back by extra pain today. Was expecting each day to continue getting easier but i guess not. The incisions are extremely sore, the only way i can explain it is like a hot sharp stabbing pain. Ive noticed a small drop of fluid on my plasters. I hope this is normal for incisions to be feeling like this. Can anyone advise? Xx

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun all sounds totally normal day 3/4 where my worse days for recovery and seems it has been for a lot of girls on here aswell usually after day 4 things start to ease up a lil be I found moving around a lil instead of sitting help me with the pain xxxx

    Eveie 23

    @stacey hi hun, ok thats good then. They only gave me enough co codamol for 3days so panicing abit now. I find they r so painful on the incisions as soon as i stand so not doing too much moving atm xx

    Stacey 498

    They do feel bad when standing but if u hold on so put a bit of pressure on even just walk to kitchen and back will make u feel soo much better Hun and it doesn’t last forever Hun trust me your feel better and back to normal soon xx

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