day 3 post opp! advice? Started by: sayshax

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  • sayshax

    hi girls 🙂 I am 3 days post opp now & still so so so so so happy with the results! I was really surprised at how well I was feeling apart from being slightly sore! however, last night I found my spelt getting really overwhelmed & emotional? the nurse explained to my mam & friend at my opp that this is likely to happen a few days post opp but I was just wondering how normal it is & if anyone else has experienced the same? I have just put it down to the tablets & feeling drained from lack of sleep xxx


    I had mine done on Friday & yesterday morning I was exactly the same. Kept having spells where I burst into tears & couldn’t stop crying. Felt like I was being a massive burdon on people all for my own vanity plus I’ve got an 8 month old and finding it very hard not to be able to do much with him. However woke up today after a good sleep feeling much more positive, going to drop down to paracetamol today as I don’t deal with strong painkillers well either. Hope you’re ok & remember it will all be worth it xx


    Yeah i was in tears for the first 2 or 3 days so i presume it was all the stuff in your body in 7 days po and just starting to feel a bit better. I managed to out a normal pyjama top on yesterday. Still baggy but normally i had to do the button ones. So trust me u do get much better i never use to think i would get better x


    I’m 4 days post op today and found myself being very tearful last night. I think for me it’s that it’s all been a very quick process from just considering looking into a BA to then having one that I can’t actually believe I did it so I’m in a bit of shock, plus, like Clare, I’m suffering guilt for feeling like a burden and also not being able to lift or properly hug my 2 small children…and all because of my vanity! We women do beat ourselves up, don’t we?! Eyes on the prize, though. It’s relatively such a short recovery and then we can enjoy our lives as they were, but with an added improvement. It’s natural to doubt ourselves; it was a big decision to make. I feel like today is a turning point, though. I’ve finished my course of antibiotics, I had a good night’s sleep, ‘morning boob’ wasn’t as bad, I don’t feel the need for any painkillers yet- not even paracetamol, and I’m another day closer to getting my strapping off and getting to the good bit. Keep going, Sayshax, tomorrow will be a whole world of better xx


    Whoah Emma you only 4 days po and not taking any more antibiotics? IM day 7 and still have today left to take them


    Yeah, I only had to take 4 capsules a day for 3 days…doesn’t sound quite enough, does it? It’s so confusing how differently all the MYA surgeons choose to do things. How are you doing for pain now, Jamie?x


    I do feel much better. Don’t get me wrong in still in a bit of pain. But a thousand times better than before!!!! Thanks for asking x I have to take 1 3 times a day for 7 days


    thank you girls you’ve helped allot 🙂 it’s nice to have some reassurance! Xxx

    Nicole 1

    Day 3 often the hardest and the emotions pour out. Happened to me and also after a knee op


    I think Day 3 must be the standard limit of patience!!
    Glad you’re on the up, Jamie. One less load of drugs in your system after today, too. Tomorrow will be a good day x

    Laura 13

    I was emotional on day 3. Just broke down crying.

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