Day 4 left boob hurts Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi girls I’m day 4 post op now and I actually feel ok still stiff and sore but a lot more comfortable however I assume the morning boob has started as it’s quite painful in the morn when Ive woke up but my left boob seems to be really tight it’s driving me mad because I’d be absolutely fine other than that!
    I don’t know if it’s just the muscle holding it really tight? Has anyone experienced this? It is fairly uncomfortable and nothing seems to really make it better it’s like something needs to click!!

    I’ve felt it pretty much from day 2 it feels higher than my right but it looks exactly the same when you look at them so strange xxxx

    Trace 158

    Your meds are wearing off by this time so the soreness will start to kick in!

    You may have an air bubble in your boob which is totally normal, it will disperse itself though! Be prepared for lots of random feelings in the coming days/weeks 🙂 xx


    It’s only soreness I’ve felt the whole time though it’s driving me mad it feels like I’ve pulled something 🙁 yeah I get random twinges etc I’ve felt a couple of air bubbles below my boobs but this is like an actual pain it doesn’t feel like air xx


    Are you left handed? Im 2 weeks PO now and my right one has been a pain from the start and im right handed so dunno if thats got something to do with it but i had overs…Anyways my left one dropped within a few days and has felt like i didnt even get it done from day 1, but my right is still riding high, this one is bruised too and i cant lift my arm up like with my left, it feels really tight and tender next to my armpit xxx


    Yeah Hun that’s exactly what it feels like it’s at the top and round by my armpit! I’m right handed but I thought maybe the muscle isn’t as used as my right one so its stiffer? Maybe my right has just dropped abit quicker I did think it had after the first night to be honest I’ll speak to the nurse Sunday hopefully it will have dropped by then xxx


    I mentioned it at my check she said its fine and that they will heal at different rates coz its 2 different operations so for now im not worrying 🙂 xxx


    Ahh god it’s driving me mad though it’s getting worse each day 🙁 xx

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