Hello girls,
So I’m 4 days PO now and thought I’d let you know of my experience so far. My recovery has been amazing considering – after hearing all the girls having such painful ones I was so worried about it, don’t get me wrong I was in pain, but mainly my back and shoulders from sleeping upright and only when I did too much my boobs would let me know. I have managed to get at least 7 hours sleep every night since my op, been able to put on clothes and my nurse called me yesterday (Day 3) and said I could take my strapping off today if I wanted.
Me and my boyfriend actually took the majority of my strapping off last night as I would be on my own all day today as he has gone back to work – I have left the strapping on under my boobs covering my incisions and will take that off tonight – luckily I did take it off as most of you girls know, the strapping gives you terrible sores. Mine weren’t as bad as others as I had only had my strapping on for a couple of days. I would recommend contacting your nurse about taking your strapping off early as the sores are so painful – I actually cried (first time in this whole experience) because the pain of them hurt so much. More so than my boobs.
My boobs are still really swollen and hard, and my nipples are swollen and sensitive. Half of my left boob is numb but the feeling is coming back slowly – it’s starting to feel like pins and needles when something brushes up against it. I get occasional shooting pains but nothing too serious.
The bloating is terrible – one of the worst things about this! I suggest taking as little of your painkillers as physically possible as I only took 1 or 2 painkillers a day (1 for morning and 1 for evening) and I blew up like a balloon! I joked with my boyfriend that he better get used to me looking like this as this is what I’ll look like when I’m pregnant haha!
My boyfriend has been an angel these past few days which I think helped with my recovery – he tended to my every need and didn’t let me do anything. He successfully plaited my hair twice and very well I may add, washed my hair yesterday, helped me up from the bed so I had little pain and been the best tea maker! I highly suggest having someone there with you all the time in the first 3 days as it makes all the difference.
I feel like I’m rambling and have probably forgotten loads of things – so leave questions below if you have any. Good luck to those who are booked for surgery, and happy healing to all those who have had it done! I HATE SNEEZING.
Your story makes me excited for tommrow in London with Mr Singh as well ! I don’t no what to expect at all which makes me nervous lol !
You’ll be fine lovely, it’s honestly fine – over and done with before you know it
I’ve just literally booked my surgery today hun so thanks for sharing made me feel reassured, I hope I have overs! And I’ve told the Boyf he’s having time off work to look after me! Lol xx
Oh wow how exciting! I’ve heard overs are an easier recovery so I’m happy I had them. Regardless though, you’ll be fine – just loads of rest! What size are you going to? Haha definitely! Make sure he does, it helps so much. Mine literally told me off for doing anything! xx
Same hun I’m having mine tomorrow with Dr Singh. I’m sooo excited I can’t believe it’s finally coming to an end! I’m abit nervous as when the nurse checkerd my blood pressure it was 165 over 95 which is extremely high but I explained to her that I’ve had high blood pressure ever since I was 13. I told her that my gp won’t put me on medication as I’ve done the 24hrs blood pressure machine three times and it all averages out. But she said if it’s not under 145 then I won’t be able to have my boobs done fingers crossed it will be under as I’ve been waiting to have this done for years! Eeekk nerves are kicking in x x
I know that’s why I want overs coz it’s less pain! Haha such a wimp x meeting my surgeon next week so obv will know more then but hoping maybe 350cc (i’m a kind of flat b cup now)…. xxx
Good luck for tomorrow Nikki, you’ll be fine! Mr Singh is amazing at what he does. And fingers crossed for your blood pressure – just stay calm.
What surgeon are you having Jennifer? 350cc is a good size good luck for it! xx
I’m with traynor at Preston on 1st april… excited to know what size i’ll be getting next week! thank you hun xxx
Good to hear you’re doing so well lovely! I had overs too and I’ve been in next to no pain, it’s been pretty easy. The bloating has been awful for me too and I haven’t been taking the cocodamol since Sunday morning I’m in more pain with my belly than my boobs
How did you get the strapping off? Cause I had a go earlier and it was so painful!! But it’s so itchy I don’t want to wait until Friday xx
Aw amazing – so glad you’re doing well with the healing :). Overs seem to be the best for pain. Yeah it’s horrible and laxatives don’t seem to work! Don’t know why.
My boyfriend helped me – we just did it really slow. Took the middle part off first which was the easiest then work from the outside in.. it really hurts on the boobs don’t get me wrong (I cried) but it’s over within seconds. But sit down as you get light-headed! xx
they look amazing! this is making me excited i’m having 300cc overs too and you sound like you’ve had the perfect recovery! how long have you taken off work? i’ve only got a week so hoping that will be enough!
Thank you Charlie! I’ve taken off a week so you’ll be fine. Just no heavy lifting and still take it steady xx
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