Day 5 post op- feeling better! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Just wanted to quickly update you girls since my meltdown a couple of days ago! I’m now on day 5 and honestly can say I feel SO much better without all the drugs in my system.
    Yes my boobs are tight, sometimes little sharp pains but it is definitely nothing all of you can’t handle! now that I’m only taking paracetamol once a day, my body is slowly getting rid of all the other crap and feeling like my old self! I’m pottering about the house, I’m able to do stuff for my son properly now without wanting to be sick, I feel much more positive.
    I definitely think I had cabin fever as well, I’ve not been out since Friday, it’s not like me to be in, I lead a very busy lifestyle so staying in this long makes me go stir crazy!!! need fresh air haha.
    Just wanted to let you know, it really isn’t all that bad, not everyone has the meds reaction I had, just go easy is the best advice I can give you and listen to your body! You know it better than anyone and if you feel something’s not right it probably isn’t! You know when to ease off the meds and go with the flow 🙂
    Hope this helps!!!

    Yey for day 5!!!!!!!

    Alex 119

    Glad you’re feeling better 🙂 you can start loving your boobs now! Xox

    Lucy Anna 146

    Love this post! I stopped taking my meds yesterday (day 3) and it made me feel so much better. They were knocking me out and making me feel so dizzy and drowsy. glad you’re feeling better 🙂 xx


    <3 hope your feeling ok Lucy <3 and yes I can stop feeling mardy and start enjoying what we paid for!!!!! Haha xxxx

    Nicole 41

    Glad your feeling better huni I too have stopped taking the meds (except the antibs obvs) and feel better. I got some naproxen instead and they have been a god send. Those cocodamol paired with everything we get jn hospital are awful xxx

    Ashie 36

    Glad to hear ur feeling better, i think im not going to bother with the cocodimal il just buy some 400mg of ibroprofen from asda pharmacy i hate feeling sick constantly.

    onwards and upwards and enjoy your new boobies, cant wait to hear when you get the strapping off. take it easy


    Amie 32

    Glad you are feeling better I read your day 3 post and thought oh noo I have that to come but now it doesn’t seem so bad! lol hope you don’t mind the add xxx


    soo glad to hear your feeling better I was a bit concerned the other day so this is great news 🙂 keep the updates coming xxxxxx

    Rosy 35

    Lovely post! Thanks for reassuring us all 🙂 so glad to hear you’re feeling better Hun congrats x

    Jennifer 90

    Yayyy glad you’re feeling better 🙂 the worst is over! And this has reassured me! 🙂 Xxx


    Yes sorry girls, don’t like to make people afraid! that wasn’t the intention 🙂 you just find yourself turning to the other girls here who are going through the same thing or have been through it for support, good and bad times! No one else understands than those doing it too!! But really, it’s the best thing you will do and nothing to fear :):) MYA are a great company and I’ve always thought the same since looking into them 5 years ago! there is always the odd unsatisfied consumer no matter where you go, unfortunately that’s business, but I would say the majority are very happy with the service, aftercare, work and all the rest involved. I have had 3 phone calls from the MYA nottingham office since my op 5 days ago to check up on me! They give you aftercare line 24 hours a day if there are any major concerns. Your never alone on it, even if you come here to ask advice. I really do think you will all be very pleased 🙂 xxx

    Sophie 123

    Thanks for updating, pleased to hear you’re feeling better Hun! Look forward to your next update xx

    Vanessa 56

    thank you for the update! really glad you are feeling better now hun!
    how are your new boobies coming along?
    its so reassuring to hear you are up and about I’m mist worried about not recovering fast enough to return to work as I can’t have any extra time off!

    I’m so happy for you!
    happy healing!xxxx


    Glad ur feeling better and are healing well, hope I’m the same xxx

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