Its been 1 week tomorrow since i had my surgery, my right boob is actual agony the burning pulling feeling is just getting too much, i thought by taking all my co codamol i wouldnt need them anymore and they say if pain persists go the doctors as i know you cant take co codamol for more than 3 days. it feels like its my stithches tearing
my boobs dont feel overly tight but was in agony late last night, and this morning it was horrific p=the pain was
going to call the clinic but will the receptionists know what to say? then i shall phone my doctors, with them being aware i have had this done they will be aware of me asking why i want more pain relief, i thought itd get easier and i have work on friday and its so busy in the salon
x xxxx
I’m on day four and still taking my co codamol as my right Breast is quite painful. Who said you weren’t allowed to take co codamol longer than 3 days Hun? I would the unit and speak to the nurse. Hope you start feeling better soon x
sorry I meant 5 days, I only git 5 days worth or co codamol I’m never good with pain with just paracetamol, I’ve rang the clinic but the nurse wasnt available so they are calling back when she is, its probably nothing to worry about, I’ve got my 1 week post op appointment tomorrow or Thursday my mind gone blank and can’t remember so I’ll have it all checked over soon anyway, thank you chick how your recovery going? Xxx
You had a very large implant sammy
I guess it might be more painful
Be worth it tho x
I’m only allowed a 375cc I’m very jealous
Aww hun sorry you’re feeling like this whens your post-op appt?
ive been feeling ok last couple of days but think I overdid it yesterday with me going back to work :/ woke up this mornin & my right boobs killing, & i’m all bruised & the dressings over my incisions are stained as though they’ve been leaking….. so glad I’m seeing the nurse today! Xx
think its maybe from the extra stretching of my nerves and breast tissue, like i say my skin isnt shiny tight or uncomfortable, its just these nerves regenerating, and its right between my right nipple and right incision, i have done a bit of googling and a lot of girls with bigger implants do struggle more with recovery, kelly, i think you right there! aha my boyfriend can see im struggling and hes asking ”is it worth it ?” with a bit of funny ness lol, im like errrrrmmm YES!! :)) ahahha, it definately is. silly boy :p
aww no jen im so jealous you went back to work so soon! hehe, but yea your still recovering hunny arent you take it easy now, hope your post op appointment goes well im sure it will mine is either tomorrow or thursday, i cant think straight hehe ill find out when the nurse calls me back or i might try them again soon first just so i know when my appointment is xxx
Jealous!? Lol I didn’t wanna go back! You enjoy the rest hunny, hope you feel better soon! Xx
awww haha, i know its probably not the best but i have to go back this friday too, i have clients booked theyve been waiting for after my op to have their treatments arghh i jus have 2 more full days of recovery then and hope im not going to be in too much pain by then, after i see the nurse il go the doctors and explain how i got work id rather be out of pain whilst at work as i cant avoid it if im honest, my clients are my wage hehe. and definetly take it easy, my work friends know this, but at least i wont be crying in work lol xxx
Have you called the emergency nurse number hun, they should be able to speak to you straight away?
I had 650 hp partials and my pain subsided after day 4, have you been doing anything strenuous?
Also what sort of job do you do? Hope its not massage cos that would come sharp! xx
I do beauty and nails trace, mostly nails and eyebrows though, and shellac, but i’m starting doing my acrylics again too when i go back so that’ll be more strenuous with filing but i’m not going to be doing them or massages for quite a few weeks until i feel up to it.
i haven’t been doing anything strenuous at all really, i’ve been resting – i’m quite good at being lazy lol. but the times i’ve felt most pain is when i’ve lifted up off the settee or bed, after being in a semi reclined position, that hurts so not doing it alone again and i’ve managed fine without help since day 4-5 but only from a reclined position, like from sitting to standing,
i’ve had help off my bf to lift me up, i just think i put that much pressure on my right side, chest because its probably stronger when getting up, i think its because i’m heavier so got more weight to lift with using my legs only (feel like im going to be a muscly bodybuilder with the half squats im doing haha) and my boyfriend pushes me gently forward on my back to help me up, feel helpless! lol.
i’m currently sitting in bed on my laptop and just moving my hand forward to type gives me the sensation, my boob feels quite numb, but its definitely between my nipple and incision and i think its my actual incision, which the nurse will reveal tomorrow, i cant actually wait. apparently the stitches dissolving can cause a bit of discomfort. maybe the weight on the implant is causing the pains, maybe because my crease was a bit higher or something the surgeon lowered it, it’d make sense.
i just don’t understand how its only my right boob, i had the same cc in each boob, nightmare! lol xxx
thank you girls for the advice and support, don’t know what id do without you! xxx
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