day case Started by: sam

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  • sam

    Hi anyone had day case at highgate and stayed elsewhere (Hotel etc) as home is out of the 1hr distance rule (by only 20 mins mind)…how did you find being discharged and having to manage the pain alone?? Do you know of any cheapish hotels near by to highgate?? xxx





    Where are you from? I had my op done there on Sunday and come from southend – depending on what time of day it is can be an hour away, can be an hour and 20 minutes. I went back home and was absolutely fine and they said would be ok as there is a hospital by where I live if there was an emergency.

    Staff were amazing at Highgate btw, good luck! 🙂 xx


    Hiya hunni, I was day case at droitwich and came home that same evening, my husband drove us back the hour and 30 minutes journey back to our home. We was going to stay in a hotel but I wanted the comforts of my own home and also thought the journey would be more comfortable while I still had ga and morphine in me to help mark the journey a little more comfortable 🙂 xxx


    Arr ok well maybe i’ll speak to my pc and see if she thinks its ok to come home then as I’d prefer that for sure, I live in colchester so about a further 40 minutes away from highgate then you @charlotte….how’s your sleep? Im so scared as all of my kids jump in my bed in the night so I wont be able to sleep in there incase they come in and kick or crawl over me and knock something so will be sofa for I while I recon :-/ xxx 🙂


    Oh right, worth asking if you could go home then. It’s not as bad as I thought, I have a v pillow and my usual pillows to give me lots of support but can’t say I enjoy having to sleep on my back! Will have to be careful with your kids, don’t want any extra aches and pains bless them, I won’t even stay with my boyfriend in case he rolls over onto me haha xx


    Yer saying that my partner is worse then the kids to be fair he has night tremors and flings his arms and legs around lol….Hope they do let me come home hows your swelling hun? what size/profile implants did you have?? xxx


    Yeah it seems fine, was in on Sunday, yesterday I couldn’t move my arms too much, had to bumshuffle in and out of bed but today seem a lot better, have just managed to wash my hair, just feeling a bit heavy today. I’m all strapped up which is meant to reduce the swelling etc but from what I can see in the gap they’re are really close together so am happy 🙂 I went from 34a(nothing) and had 310cc high profile overs xx


    oh wow hope they are what you hoped for when all the strappings off 🙂 hope you dont mind i’ve added you hun xx


    Yeah so pleased so far, just can’t wait to go back and see the nurse next week! No problem 🙂 xx


    Hi sam, I am at Highgate tomorrow for a day case + me + my hubby have booked the best Western palm hotel, which is about 8-10 mins from Highgate. I was advised to book a b + b/ hotel, as I live over an hour away x

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