Day case – did you stay at a hotel or go home? Started by: Alexandra

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    I am having my surgery in London which is an hour and a half away from my house. They recommend to stay within an hour of the hospital in case you need to go back but I was wondering what you did if you lived over an hour away? I just feel that I will sleep better and feel better if I am in my own house and room than staying in a travel lodge or something. Do you think it would be really bad if i went home after?? xx


    I’m going home straight after my op, I live in Birmingham but ops at Highgate, like you I’d prefer to be in my own bed.


    im going home my ops at fitz roy in london xx


    I saw the nurse and she said that the reason they say to stay close by is because of any complications with the anaesthetic (eg really sick, swelling etc) she said you can go to an NHS hospital nearby but that you have paid for the care with MYA so thats what it is there for but ultimately is up to you xx

    ayshababy 5

    i went home it took about an hour and a half, i was still drugged up so dont even remember getting home lol! which i found good coz the next day you are sorer, the morphine or whatever they give you has worn off and uv gotta get up and travel! no thanks! xx


    I’m going straight home and I live 2 and a half hours away from London 🙁

    Laura 12

    I was in highgate and went home to Birmingham. Took about an hour and half even stopped for a maccys at service station lol. Def nicer being in comfort of ur own home xx


    I stayed at a hotel. Worst nights sleep but that was because i had 2 sleep sitting up!! Awful! Travelled bk today put a pillow there so seatbelt didn’t touch my chest
    was a little bit painful but i would rather that than to of came home & something 2 of gone wrong.. But im 2 & a half hrs away xx

    candybabey 3

    I stayed a weekend in a hotel near hospital I was case but I was discharged around 9.30pm. I drove back to hotel with my view pillow infront of me and a hot water bottle for my.back.
    I headed back home post op day 2 which I was asleep most journey as I fell asleep from the meds lol

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