Hey I had my BA at the new Victoria hospital at the end of Jan. They called they day before to give me an admission time of 12.30. I arrived on tome and a nurse greeted me and took me to my beautiful and modern private room with En-suite. The room has a TV and WiFi. I had to do a urine sample and change into my gown and they took a food order for my post op meal. I probably waited about 30-45 mins and the surgeon came, talked me through everything and marked me for theatre. I think I went to theatre about 14.15 and returned to my room 15.30/15.45. You have to stay 4 hours post op. In that time you have to eat And drink without vomiting, pass urine… also have well controlled pain (mine was completely fine, they gave me pain relief but I didn’t really feel I needed it). You will have the pharmacist come to your room and give you/talk you through your take home meds. Also the surgeon has to come see you before discharge which may not be till he finishes his list so may take longer than the 4 hours if you’re first on the list but in most cases it’s quicker. I got discharged about 19.30/20.00. My sister stayed with me in the room the whole time and she just “worked from home” on her laptop in the corner 😂.
Hope this is helpful. If your admission is in the morning and you are on a morning list, it will be pretty much the same except obviously you would be discharged earlier.