DD or E Started by: Chloe Agutter

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    Just thinking what size I want! Is there much difference between a DD and an E?
    Might be a silly question! Also if you are a daycase, do you go home or do you need to stay in a hotel near? Been reading different things. Would love to be a day case and go home ????
    Thanks girls xx


    Hey Chloe,

    This may help with the sizing
    I used to work in lingerie and from what I remembered in training if u measure the boning at the side of the cup (usually about 0.5 cm) that tiny amount determines the next cup size. It literally moves back to the side as the cup size increases. So for example u should be able to fit an a cup bra into a b cup, a b into a C and so on..it goes up by a tiny amount. That’s why there isn’t much difference between DD/E. Some companies are more or less generous than others plus the style of the bra and the coverage can determine the size u wear. Hope that helps fx


    If ur a day case with no complications u should be clear to leave the same day
    If ur having an uplift as well I think u tend to have an overnight case as it’s more invasive and they need to monitor fx

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