diets! Started by: Louise S

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    Hey girls, i intended to lose a stone before my op…however..this hasnt happened…at all lol and my op is next friday. I know that with overs losing weight can cause rippling or something, is this the same with unders? Xx

    Laura -1

    I think so, However I don’t no that for a fact but I’m trying not to find out the hard way lol xx


    It can happen with unders too but the chances Are not as high. It all depend on you body fat mass I think and what implants you are having. I have soft touch and I have no rippling what so ever. Hope this helps x


    And also how much breast tissue you already have x


    I had the same plan to loose a stone before my op next tuesday…which I have failed miserably at lol. I’m having overs and have been told if I loose too much weight it can cause rippling. But I need to loose weight before I go on holiday in October so will just have to see how it goes and keep my fingers crossed xx


    I wanted to lose over a stone before my op as I’m having a lift too but haven’t managed to so I’ve actually put it off for a few months as my skin is pretty loose and I’m worried what weight loss will do, to give me time to lose it. However my sis has lost almost a stone since op and because she didn’t have much breast tissue there before you can’t notice the difference even though she had large implants xx


    Hi gem did your sister have over or unders? Xx


    Im having unders so am hoping weight loss doesnt affect it as much :-\ hmmm. xx


    Watch this vid:

    Losing weight is fine but just don’t aim for “skinny”! Also, be aware that you will put on weight after the surgery, a couple of lbs for the implant plus a few extra for fluid retention and lack of movement- I’m 11 days PO and currently 8lbs heavier than I was on the day of surgery (mostly gone straight to my stomach!)



    My sister had overs, she was an A and now measuring an E, 9 weeks PO. Because she’s not happy with her weight though its taken some of the excitement away of having new boobs even though se loves them. I would think up to a stone is ok but all depends on the individual plus if you need a lift like I do you have to be careful as even after the op your skin is going to be more loose than someone who hasn’t had the weight loss xx


    And yeah you do have to think of the weight you will put on being inactive after op x


    I wana loose about stone well 12 pounds..I don’t wana be skinny just comfortable in myself. Just watched that video that’s good news then 🙂 as long as it’s in proportion and healthy suppose its ok then xxx

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