Diffence between under or over the muscle ?? Started by: Hannah

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  • Hannah

    Hello, just curious what’s the difference between under or over the muscle? Thank you


    Under the muscle is generally for patients with barely any breast tissue and give a more ‘natural’ look as the muscle is over the top of the implant which hides the top of the implant. Overs are where they’re placed under your breast tissue but over the muscle, generally for patients with enough tissue to cover the implant or for people who have lost fullness and want to fill out the top of their boobs.

    I had overs even though I was a 32a and think they look natural, think your surgeon will be the best to decide for you ????xxx

    Jamie 55

    It all depends how much breast tissue you have, I personally wanted over the muscle, had 380 round moderate overs from a 34a I’ve attached a pic so you can see how mine look before and now they’ve settled x

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    Kay 48

    Unders are for women who don’t have enough tissue. I was told I have enough tissue for either but if your planning on loosing weight or it changes then is best to go under as the tissue wil just go up or down x

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