Different CC sizes Started by: Sarah

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  • Sarah -2

    Hi girls! I’ve finally picked what size I’m having on my op which is March the 4th 🙂 it is 480cc in my smaller boob and 450cc in my bigger boob. Now that I’ve had that stuck in my mind I have started to worry that they might look uneven? Like 30cc is a big difference? Am worried incase they look odd! I’m sure dr traynor knows what he’s doing but can any girls help me or tell me if they have had different sized implants before? Please put my mind at rest! Xxxxxx


    Hi Sarah, I too have to have different sizes with dr T. My 3 options were 410/450 450/485 or 485/525. My right breast is quite a bit smaller than the left. My friend had him too and had to have 2 different sizes and they look fine.

    Sarah -2

    Aw thank you!! There pretty much the same sizes he offered me too! Xxxx


    I had 340cc in my bigger boob and 380cc in my smaller boob and for once, they’re even! Before my op one boob was a B and the other was a C! Don’t worry about it lovely xxx

    Sarah -2

    Aw thank you Jess that’s really reassuring! Yours look fab bet your pleased! Only 25 days for mine eeee! Xxxx


    Dr Mounir said he might use different implants but it wasn’t until the actual surgery that he decided to do it and so glad he did! We’ve just got to put all our trust into our surgeons! Awwww thank you, I can’t even explain how happy I am!! Bet you’re so excited! Have you got everything yet? Xxx

    Sarah -2

    Yes deffo they know what they are doing! Yeah I have pretty much everything now, going to get senakot and bits and bops for my week off work (heard you get constipated!) magazines, etc! Only thing a havnt got is a v pillow. A don’t know if a should get one or not! Anything else you would recommend? X


    I haven’t been constipated but I’ve bloated out a bit and peppermint tea is good for that! Yeah I would definitely get a v pillow! Anything to try and make sleepingnl sat up any easier! Mine was only £9.99 from Argos and I also got a back rest from there too which has really helped me sleep but no-one else seems to have one haha. Get your own painkillers! They give you co-codamol and the made me sick and drowsy so after a day I went onto my own painkillers! Xxx

    Sarah -2

    Aw thank you hunny that’s so helpful! I’ll get the rest tomorrow when I get paid 🙂 how far are you post op now? How do you feel? X


    I’m much better than what I ever thought I would be! The only pain killer I’m taking is Calpol for older children (I struggle with taking tablets and calpol works for me haha) so that shows that the pain isn’t all that bad! Sleeping sitting up isn’t all that great but it’s a small price to pay for having boobs! Honestly it’s not half as bad as what you think it’s going to be xxx

    Sarah -2

    Hahah oh dear! Am one with tablets I’ll just see how I get on! I only have a week off work I hope that’s enough! Am just gonna rest up for the first week and try and move around more and do light walking and exercise (I’m a gym freak) and see how I get on! I’m just sooooo excited to see what they look like and how my body changes and looks more womanly! Xxxxx

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