Different size breasts before op….HELP Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 41

    Hi I put a post on yesterday but didn’t get much help or advice.
    I had my surgeon consultation with mounir yesterday and when he measured I was 17cm from Collier bone to top of nipple and 19cm on the other is anyone else like this but has still managed to get just implants without having a nipple lift on one breast. As this is what Mr mounir reccomend and he said he was unable to do this. I’m worried I’m not going to be able to get just implants without a nipple lift and I don’t really want that as I will have more scars on one and to me they will just feel/look odd.
    Thanks for any help and advise everyone xxx

    Carley 2

    Hi Laura, I am not with MYA but I also need a lift on one side. When I discussed with my surgeon he said that he could do it without the lift however for me to be totally happy he would advise I have the lift on one side.
    I’ve decided to go ahead with the implants and minor lift as I think in the long run I’ll end up wanting it done anyway and having them done at the same time also makes it cheaper Rather than have implants and get the lift at a later date. feel free to message me xx

    Louise 90

    Hey! I had breasts two different sizes and one crease sat lower than the other, I saw one surgeon at MYA who said they wanted to lift one side for best results or possible nipple lift on one side, For me personally this isn’t what I wanted to hear, I’m 19, implants do not last forever and I know once I have children or just as the years pass I will need them re-doing with a possible uplift in the future and I didn’t want to pay twice for this. But then my PC suggested I meet with Max Marcellino, I went in open minded and agreed on a BA with implants ranging from 400-450cc. I woke up from surgery with 425cc overs. I’ll add a before and after picture, I’m now 2months post op. Good luck with your journey xx

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    Louise 90

    My nipple still sits slightly lower than the other but not hugely and this doesn’t bother me. I’m sure if you know going into the OP the pros and cons of going ahead with no Lift a surgeon should allow you. It’s their work and they want perfect results, but it’s also your body and what your happy with xx

    Chloe 19

    I was borderline life, I’m sure mine sat at 21cm so glad I didn’t have one

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    Chloe 19

    Mr Mounir is apparently known for wanting to do lifts, i saw Mr Traynor who didn’t even suggest it, I went with mounir in the end just for implants 425 unders and he really is a fantastic surgeon

    Chloe 19

    4 weeks po

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    Ashleigh 6

    Do you have before pictures Chloe? Xx

    Chloe 19

    Yes they’re horrible though ???? I was an a in one side and a small b in the other xx I had a 400 and 425 high profile round implant xa

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    Chloe 19

    Sorry I need to stop using emojis as they just turn to question marks! 🙂

    Laura 41

    Hi thanks girls yours are lovely he said to me he wouldn’t do mine I was to go and see a different surgeon, he said if i was just to put implants in it would make something thats not very noticable now become very noticable so im back in limbo as to not know what to thing ive added a few of you girls to message to try and get abit more advise hope this ia ok. ive tried attaching a picture but it won’t let me i dont think. Ive never put pictures in her so im hoping for the best.

    Chloe 19

    You have to resize the photo you can get an app think it has to be below 500 in size xxx

    Laura 41

    What’s the app called haha xx

    Laura 41

    Try this…. I’m sorry in advance I hate my boobs and I hate this picture xx

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    Laura 41

    I’m wanting to go quite big so I’m my head I was thinking surely it would be ok if the implants make them bigger and it’s only my nipples that arnt inline that I wouldn’t care about as it would only ever be my partner who seen them and he even said he wouldn’t be bothered either but I feel abit disappointed as I did want Mr mounir to do my surgery but he pretty much point blank refused haha xxx

    Chloe 19

    Yes mine were quite empty so I think that’s why my implant pulled them up, apparently the surgeon he referres you to is very good, it’s better to get it right first time though Hun 🙂 maybe try Mr Traynor? X

    Laura 41

    He said a surgeons name but it said it to the woman who was in the room with us and I was in such a horrible feeling mood pretty much nearly crying hahah i didn’t catch the name he said I’m sure it started with an S but I’m not sure my PC suggested traynor but I have heard a few things about him and don’t know if I will have the guts to go xxx

    Kara 7

    Maybe Dr Sleiter?x

    Kay 48

    Yours are lovely Chloe. I had my consultation today to come away worried too as I got offered 355 or 375 but aparantly my nipples are not as spaced apart as normal or they slightly go towards each other… fml! So now I dunno what to bloody do. Iv Google’s all sorts and can’t find nothing. My nipples and boobs are like yours Chloe to start but I I don’t my nipples are slightly out on spacing. Could cry! X

    Jolene 2

    I’ve got to have a nipple lift as had cancer in my breast 6 years ago so am about a cup size smaller in one than the other… is there a lot of scaring with nipple lift??? Xxx


    He should be able to do it without the lift if that’s what you want, they will be better but not necessarily perfect, I have one nipple lower and I opted for just the augmentation, thought I wanted to see how I felt after having just implants first before having a nipple lift, I’m undecided yet. Here’s my results so far, I had 500cc right and 600cc left round HP and I’m 5 weeks P.O. xx

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