different size for L & R anyone else had or having this done?? Started by: Reb

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  • Reb 2

    Hi Ladies,

    I’ve met my PC 🙂 and Dr Andrea and was wondering if anyone else have got or will be having 2 different sizes for their op?

    My R is slightly larger and an A cup but not exactly a B and my L is a A. So difficult to find a nice or any bra.

    He recommended 325cc L and 300cc under tear drops. He did say this may change once in the theater.

    Stephanie 6

    Hi, I’ve been trying to figure out how to post a topic message as I had the same question x can you tell me how to do it please ?
    also I am having 375 in the r and 350 in the left hp xx
    mine is on the 29th August

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Stephanie 6.

    Hiya hun when I had my first ever consult with a mya surgeon he recomened I have a 25cc different in my one breast as there is slight asymetery not not massively noticeable, my surgery then got cancled a week before my op due to my bloods not being very good so nearly 2 years later I went to a diff place and met a diff surgeon who placed the same size implant in both breast his reason was that sometimes if the asymetery isn’t that bad putting two diff sizes in can increase the asymetery and I couldn’t be happier yes there still is a slight asymetery but I was happy with them before just wanted bigger and that’s what I got I know every surgeon is different but you just got to trust them they are the professionals:) hope everything goes ok for you hun xx

    Felicity 32

    Hi REB, this is actually really common, the majority of the girls I was in a group chat with were having two different sizes due to different size breasts originally! Some ranged from having 100cc difference to 25cc difference. I had 25cc difference as I have one breast was an A cup and one was a B cup, my surgeon ordered a range of different sizes to try out which would even them out better during the surgery! Trust your surgeon, they’ll do what looks best for you! Xx

    Reb 2

    Hi Hun,
    Once you’re in on the front page where it ask you to click which forum you want (breast enlargement) scroll all the way down to the bottom 🙂

    I’m sure they’ll look fab once you get them done xx

    Thank you

    Reb 2

    Thank you Josephine & Felicity!

    It’s nice to know you’re not the only one.


    EC 4

    Hey lovely, I’ve also had 275cc on my left and 300cc on my right, as I had very slight breast asymmetry 🙂 xx

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