Different sized implants Started by: kirstie

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  • kirstie

    Has anyone else with different sized implants noticed a difference in sizes? I feel like my left breast is noticeably larger than the right and people have been mentioning this. I feel like all I have done is complain on this forum 🙁 I’m 3 weeks po today. Am I just being impatient?

    Emma b

    Hi Hun I’ve had different sized implants 520 in one and 560 in the other but I’m only a couple of days post op so can see a slight difference at the mo.3 weeks though I’d like to think they should equal out bait but I don’t know really .the nurse told me you have to give at least 6 weeks Hun try not to worry xxx

    tracey 2

    girl i know looked total different sizes for 8 weeks after her op and both implants were actually the same size . i guess it just depends how long it takes for them to settle and your body to adjust to them , they all drop at different times aswell so that makes you feel uneven whilst that happens i recon. i wouldnt worry about it get to the 6 weeks and see how you feel then x


    yeah i think youre both right. I suppose if im still not happy when i go back to see Mr Traynor i can deal with it at the time. i have 90cc difference between the implants xx

    tracey 2

    im guessing its your bigger implaant taking longer to settel than the smaller one as its more resticted mine look lumpy today but i only had mine on monday think its strange seeing how different they look every day at the moment, but seriously dont worry yourself about it right now just try to relax and let time do its job im sure ur be ok, and like you said if after time still look odd then go beet the dr man up :p lol


    the side with the bigger implant has gone alot softer and looks smaller than the side with the smaller implant which seems strange to me. It was a re-aug and i felt i was a more even size before this surgery. I think i just like to stress myself out ha! im sure it will all be fine in the end :)i hope your pain is ok and youre happy with your results :)) xx

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